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  • Scala+GWT Brings Scala to the Browser, New Documentation Site and Scala Days 2012 Announced

    Scala+GWT makes it possible to run Scala in the browser, the latest release supports most of the language. The new Scala+GWT Eclipse plug-in uses GWT's development mode for faster turnaround. Also, the Scala team announced a new documentation website and the date for 2012's Scala Days conference.

  • Mashery Redefines API Documentation with Interactive I/O Docs

    Mashery introduces a new generation of API documentation tooling with I/O Docs. I/O Docs takes the drudgery out of verbose API docs and enlivens the experience through live API calls within the documentation. In this news item, we talk to Neil Mansilla to understand the motivation for building this tool, its current state and its future.

  • Packaging Visual Studio Help Files

    If you are offering a commercial or open source library for .NET developers, including an integrated help file is a great way to show your professionalism. It can also be handy when working on a framework that is reused across a company’s internal applications. In a recent article Jeff Braaten explains the process of creating Visual Studio Help Files.

  • Agile and the Crutches of False Confidence

    False confidence is often grounded in wishful thinking. It is defined as a state where the projected reality and the actual reality might differ considerably, however for a limited period of time, it does give a feeling of having everything under control. There are many such situations in Agile development which make a team hold onto the false confidence crutch only to fall later.

  • Do Use Cases Have a Place In Scrum?

    In Scrum, requirements are commonly expressed as user stories. But is it OK to also make use of use cases in Scrum? And, if so, under what circumstances should you do so?

  • 10 Suggestions for the Architect of an Agile Team

    Tom Hollander, a Solutions Architect at Microsoft Australia, held a presentation entitled The Role of an Architect in an Agile Team at TechEd Australia where he discussed what he does as an architect leading an agile team.

  • How to Pay the Author: Flattr Micropayment Service

    Earlier this year the micropayment service flattr (a wordplay of flatrate and flatter) went live. The principle is simple but could change the way in which we reward quality content on the net. Flattr was initiated by one of the founders of The Pirate Bay, Peter Sunde, who also presented it at social media conferences like re:publica.

  • Agile Documentation: Is There Clarity?

    Agile documentation is not exactly the most clear cut subject in the community? How much documentation should we create? What works? What doesn't? How do we transform from a traditional process to an agile one with regards to documents? This is an area that lacks clarity in the agile community.

  • Debate: Comparing NHibernate and EF 4

    Recently, a post by Oren Eini (a.k.a. Ayende Raheim) touched off a debate around the respective merits and capabilities of NHibernate and Entity Framework 4.0, two .NET-based Object/Relational Maping frameworks. InfoQ explored this debate in more detail to understand some of the perspectives which were given.

  • Ruby Tools: Yard 0.4 Adds Live Doc Server, Gem Bundler Handles Dependencies

    Documentation generator Yard's 0.4 release adds new features such as a live documentation server which allows users to comment on the docs. The new tool Gem Bundler allows flexible dependency management.

  • Two Types of Agile Documents - No More, No Less!

    The Agile Manifesto suggests “ Working software over comprehensive documentation”. This has led many teams to believe that there is no need for documentation in Agile projects. Critics of Agile use limited documentation in Agile to showcase the weakness of Agile methodologies. Eelco Gravendeel suggested that there are just two types of documentation in Agile.

  • Character Encodings and M17N Explained

    James Edward Gray II wrote a series of posts on character encoding in Ruby, providing various tricks and detailed explanations to make you ready for Ruby 1.9.

  • Fluent NHibernate Has a Wiki

    Fluent NHibernate is an alternative to using XML mappings in NHibernate. Fluent NHibernate is using a fluent interface allowing you to define mappings in code instead of XML. Some people in the community have complained about the lack of documentation for Fluent NHibernate and as a response James Gregory recently announced the official Wiki for Fluent NHibernate.

  • Article: Subbu Allamaraju on Describing RESTful Applications

    If servers control their own namespace without a fixed resource hierarchy, how do clients, and more importantly client developers, get to learn or discover URIs of resources? In a new article, Subbu Allamaraju discusses how to describe a RESTful API, focusing on using hypermedia instead of an out-of-band description format such as WADL or WSDL 2.0.

  • YARD - Code Metadata And Documentation Generation for Ruby

    YARD is an extensible tool to provide metadata about Ruby code using Javadoc-style meta tags. The metadata includes optional type annotations using either type names or structural type information. We look at YARD and how Merb and the Ruby In Steel IDE use similar approaches for optional type annotations.