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  • YARD - Code Metadata And Documentation Generation for Ruby

    YARD is an extensible tool to provide metadata about Ruby code using Javadoc-style meta tags. The metadata includes optional type annotations using either type names or structural type information. We look at YARD and how Merb and the Ruby In Steel IDE use similar approaches for optional type annotations.

  • Sandcastle Source Released

    Last month there was an uproar over hosting Sandcastle, a closed-source tool, on the open source site CodePlex. In response to customer demands, Microsoft has decided to release the source code for Sandcastle.

  • SQL Server 2008 RC0 Has Been Released to the Public

    Microsoft has released SQL Server 2008 RC0 to the general public.

  • Interview: Markus Voelter about Software Architecture Documentation

    InfoQ interviewed Markus Voelter about the importance of writing software architecture documentation and the problems noticed by him when it comes to creation of useful software design documents.

  • New Resources for the Software Architecture

    Several new resources are available for the software architect. Simon Brown and Kevin Seal have made available a set of guidelines for creating software architecture documentation. Mike Kavis also put together a framework to help guide the architect in dealing with the change that new architecture can bring.

  • Sandcastle: Generate .NET API Documentation

    Sandcastle is a Microsoft tool used to create MSDN like API documentation by reflecting over the source code assemblies and adding the XML comments included in the code. A new version of Sandcastle has just been released on CodePlex.

  • Rails 2.0 - What's a Newbie to Do?

    Rails 2.0 is out - but some of the standard books and tutorials haven't been updated to this version yet. Trying to learn about Rails with a Rails 1.2 book or tutorial, but running Rails 2.0 is bound to cause some frustration. We look at the best approach to tackle this.

  • Ruby 1.9 released

    Ruby 1.9 has just been released, bringing a host of new features and improvements. Speed improvements come from the new YARV VM, concurrency features were updates with native threading and Fibers, and language changes such as a new Hash literal syntax tighten the language. We take a look at some of the features and where to find information about Ruby 1.9.

  • Why API design matters

    API design affects all developers. Some APIs are a pleasure to work with, others are annoying and yet others are downright frustrating. But what's makes the difference? Which qualities make one API easy to use and another hard? The ACM Queue recently published an article by Michi Henning about API design; an article that analyzes these aspects.

  • Do Agile Methods Require Documentation?

    Some believe that agile methods do not require (or cannot support) documentation of any kind. Ian Cooper examines this belief against the Agile manifesto and against specific agile methods.

  • Writing Maintainable Code

    Sam Gentile, Oren Eini (aka Ayende), and Frans Bouma have an ongoing debate in the .NET community about how to write maintainable code, which several others have joined. The debate mainly focuses on the question, if Test-Driven-Development (TDD), O/R-Mappers (ORM), Model-View-Presenter/Controller (MVP/MVC), and other best-practices help to improve the maintainability of software.

  • Google SoC Series: dcov - Ruby documentation coverage analyzer

    Ruby gains another tool to ensure code quality: dcov analyses Ruby code and determines the documentation coverage. We caught up with dcov developer Jeremy McAnally to talk about his plans.

  • Google SoC Series: Creating RSpec specs for Ruby runtimes

    The number of Ruby implementations grows steadily, but something is missing: a Ruby specification. The behavior of the Ruby language and its standard libraries is defined in the code of the main Ruby implementation. Two Google SoC projects aim to fix this by creating executable RSpec specifications for Ruby. We caught up with Pedro Del Gallego who works on one of these projects.

  • Data Dictionary Creator - Rapid Database Documentation for SQL Server 2005

    Data Dictionary Creator by Jon Galloway allows developers to quickly generate documentation for SQL Server databases.

  • XPe SP2 Feature Pack Whitepaper

    Lynda Allen outlines the components of XPe SP2 Feature Pack. This is the first in a series of whitepapers leading up to the Nov. 1 launch of the Feature Pack.