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InfoQ Homepage Domain Driven Design Content on InfoQ

  • Designing and Storing Aggregates in Domain-Driven Design

    Creating and working with well-designed aggregates is one of the least well understood tactical patterns found in Domain-Driven Design, Vaughn Vernon explains in two articles giving some guidelines to composing aggregate boundaries and alternatives to an ORM when storing them.

  • Using the Domain Driven Design Bounded Context Concept to Shrink a Large Domain Model

    Bounded Context concept from Domain Driven Design (DDD) can be used to divide a large model into smaller models using the Database Context (DbContext class) in Entity Framework (EF). Bounded Context creates smaller, more cohesive models with boundaries between models.

  • Greg Young on using Event Store as a Read Model

    Greg Young, the lead architect behind the Event Store, recently talked about the Projections Library in the Event Store and how it can be used as a Read Model. In his presentation Greg explained what the Projections Library is, together with its main use cases. He also presented a number of examples of practical use.

  • Apache Isis: Java Framework for Domain-Driven Design

    Apache has released Apache Isis, a Java framework for rapidly developing domain-driven applications. Users focus on developing domain objects and Apache Isis takes care of persistence, security and the user interface. Apache Isis became an Apache top-level project in October 2012 and version 1.0 was released on December 2012.

  • CQRS Guidance Project On MSDN

    The Patterns and Practices team at MSDN recently announced a CQRS Journey Guidance project – the project walks through building a fictional Contoso Conference Management System using DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.

  • Domain Driven Design Exchange (DDDx) 2012 - Breaking Away from Object Oriented Design(OOD) Paradigm

    At the recently concluded Domain Driven Design Exchange, the community talked of how Domain Driven Design is finally being understood independent of Object Oriented Design, and how it plays with emerging technologies like Functional Programming and REST.

  • Interview: Eric Evans on the State of DDD

    At QCon San Francisco, 2008, Eric Evans answers questions about his recent activities and the evolution of DDD. During the interview he responds to questions about the relationship of DDD to usability, to FIT and FITnesse type testing, technology tools, and domain-specific languages. He also speaks about the DDD community as a whole.

  • SOA and DDD

    In a recent entry, Phillip Calcado asks the question "What Is A Service?" and then goes on to describe how the answer to this lies with Domain Driven Design and ensuring that all stakeholders in an SOA development share the same understanding.

  • Interview: Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices

    In this interview recorded at QCon San Francisco 2008 conference, Greg Young talked about how his team has been using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts in their projects. He discussed how to manage domain state transitions in a Domain-Driven Design project. He also talked about Command Query Separation (CQS) design concept to keep the design cleaner and easier to test and maintain.

  • Presentation: What Drives Design?

    In this presentation held during OOPSLA 2008, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock reviews various forms of driven development in order to understand the principles and values of several design practices used today. By comparing them, a designer will get a broader view over design and will better understand which design practice is more appropriate for him.

  • Rapid Application Development using Naked Objects for .NET

    Richard Pawson of Naked Objects offers brief history of the framework and introduction to Naked Objects for .NET. Naked objects can be seen as Domain Driven Design taken to the extreme. With proper annotation, this framework can automatically generate a matching presentation layer in Java or .NET.

  • Is There a Symbiosis Between SOA and DDD?

    As the complexity of the real-life problems grows, it becomes obvious that in order to solve them, it is often necessary to combine multiple techniques. One example of a good symbiotic relationship is that between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Domain Driven Design (DDD).

  • Presentation: Martin Fowler and Dan North Talk Over the Yawning Crevasse of Doom

    In this presentation filmed during QCon London 2007, Martin Fowler and Dan North talk about the communication gap existing between the developers and the customers or users. Closing this gap is extremely important in order to create successful software.

  • Article: Domain-Driven Design at the Center of an Evolving Architecture

    Domain driven design can be most readily applied to stable domains but it becomes more challenging when the domain itself is in a state of flux and development. This is common in Agile projects, and happens also when the business itself is trying to evolve. This article examines how we used DDD in the context of a two-year programme of work to rethink and rebuild

  • Article: Beyond SOA, a New Type of Framework for Dynamic Business Applications - Part II

    In the second part of their article, Vasile and Michael explore the architecture of Dynamic Business Application as a possible standard architecture for server-side applications. The authors note that in this architecture concepts like SOA play a minor role while components like BPM engines, schedulers, messaging have a definite role.