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InfoQ Homepage HTTP Content on InfoQ

  • HTTP 1.2 Released with Improved Support for Hierarchies and Text-Menu Interfaces

    The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) got its first major update since 1999, which includes improved support for Hierarchies, Text-Menu Interfaces and Authentication. It also includes a new set of accepted headers and extension mechanisms.

  • A Proposal for an HTTP Digital Signature Protocol and API

    Bill Burke, JBoss's Chief Architect and REST Easy Project Lead, published last week a proposal for a Digital Signature Protocol over HTTP. "DSig" is rapidly gaining popularity, more than 10 years after it was designed, due to the emergence of composite applications and the need to establish trusted relationships between their clients and services.

  • An Introduction to ØMQ (ZeroMQ)

    Ilya Grigorik wrote an introduction to ZeroMQ last week. ZeroMQ is a new multi-platform library abstracting socket management which can support arbitrarily large applications.

  • Top 10 Web Software Application Security Risks

    OWASP, an open and free organization focused on evaluating and improving software application security, has released the OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks – 2010 RC1, a whitepaper documenting the top 10 web application security risks along with details on how threat agents can exploit these possible vulnerabilities, accompanied with examples and advice on what can be done to avoid them.

  • Google Works on a Protocol Intended to Replace HTTP

    Google proposes SPDY, a new application protocol running on top of SSL, a protocol to replace HTTP which is considered to introduce latencies. They have already created a prototype with a web server and an enhanced Chrome browser that supposedly loads web pages twice as fast.

  • Internet Security: an Interview with David Durham

    David Durham, manager of Intel's Security and Cryptography Research group, was recently interviewed on the subject of Internet and Computer Security. The interview covers a wide range of topics including the "monetization of malware," Cloud-based detection of malware, security of data stored in the Cloud, "Botnets in the Dark Cloud," and malware as a tool in geo-politics.

  • Bill Burke Discusses REST-*, SOA/ROA and REST

    InfoQ's recent post on REST-*.org, which covered the announcement of REST-* and some of the community response to it, has drawn many responses. Changes have also been made to REST-*.org as a result of some of the feedback. Infoq had a chance to interview Bill Burke, a lead for the REST-* initiative, to learn more.

  • Is MIME a problem for REST?

    In a recent blog entry Benjamin Carlyle discusses how he believes the current approach to MIME type management is a problem for greater REST adoption. He proposes a few alternatives but mentions that they do have their own problems as well.

  • Presentation: Ian Robinson on REST, Atom and AtomPub

    In a presentation, recorded at QCon San Francisco, ThoughtWorks' Ian Robinson explains how a RESTful HTTP approach can be applied in an Enterprise project. He makes use of many of the techniques that make HTTP a powerful protocol, including caching, hypermedia, and uses standard formats such as Atom Syndication for event notification.

  • Presentation: Mark Nottingham's HTTP Status Report

    HTTP is one of the most successful protocols in the world, and more and more developers are using it to do more than drive HTML UIs. In this presentation, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2008, HTTPbis WG chair Mark Nottingham gives an update on the current status of the HTTP protocol in the wild, and the ongoing work to clarify the HTTP specification.

  • Presentation: Steve Vinoski on REST, Reuse and Serendipity

    Planning reusability is hard, designing for unforeseen reuse might be even harder. In this QCon London 2008 talk, Steve Vinoski presents some of the barriers to reuse found in typical distributed systems development approaches, and discusses how REST not only helps overcome some of these barriers, but also leads to potentially significantly increased chances for achieving serendipitous reuse.

  • JOSH: A Proposed Software Stack for the Enterprise

    Grey Lens Man, a blogger who does not decline his identity, posted an interesting piece about legacy problems plaguing the enterprise and proposes a new software stack as viable solution: JOSH, JSON OSGi Scala HTTP.

  • Smooth HTTP Caching With Rack::Cache

    The ways to cache a web application are numerous and often complex. Apart from the very basic page caching, Rails 2.2 introduced conditional GET through the use of HTTP headers: last_modified and etag. Following most of the internet standard caching section of RFC2616, Ryan Tomayko released Rack::Cache.

  • What Is Wrong With Ruby's Net::HTTP?

    Ruby's implementation of Net::HTTP has serious performance problems in the current version 1.8.6, caused by some implementation details. Luckily, both Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9's implementation performs much better.

  • JSR 311 Final: Java API for RESTful Web Services

    After a little more than one and a half years, the Java platform gets its own API for building RESTful web services: JAX-RS, JSR 311. InfoQ had a chance to talk to spec leads Marc Hadley and Paul Sandoz.