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  • A Comprehensive Guide to Java's New Feature: Pattern Matching for Switch

    Java brings an update with Pattern Matching for Switch. This article provides a detailed exploration of this feature, examining its support for any reference type, inclusion of null values, and introduction of guarded patterns. It also delves into the new runtime exception class - MatchException, and illustrates the compatibility of this feature with traditional switch statements.

  • Exploring Java Records beyond Data Transfer Objects

    Records are a concise and easy-to-use syntax for creating immutable classes. By using Records, you can ensure that your APIs are bulletproof and less prone to errors. Additionally, Records can be applied with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles to create more robust and maintainable code. Learning to use Records and apply them with DDD can help you make more resilient and scalable applications.

  • How to Manage Full-Stack Java Development with Hilla

    This article explores Hilla, an open-source framework that offers an approach to web application development by integrating a Spring Boot Java backend with a reactive TypeScript frontend. It uses either Lit or React, combined with Vaadin’s 40+ open-source UI web components for interface creation. It also generates REST APIs and client access codes, a secure, stateless backend architecture.

  • A Guide to the Quarkus 3 Azure Functions Extension: Bootstrap Java Microservices with Ease

    A guide to using Azure Functions with Quarkus 3, for HTTP and non-HTTP functions. Covers newer native integration for serverless functions.

  • Easy Implementation of GDPR with Aspect Oriented Programming

    GDPR compliance should be a default feature in every application that handles PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Most organizations have an impression that GDPR is a luxury feature that needs special tools to implement. But, we can see that the frameworks and design patterns we already use in our everyday development can very well be used to implement the GDPR rules.

  • Unleash the Power of Open Source Java Profilers: Comparing VisualVM, JMC, and async-profiler

    This article conveys the foundational concepts and different types of Open Source Java profilers. It allows you to choose the best-suited profiler for your needs and comprehend how these tools work in principle. The aim of a profiler is to obtain information on the program execution so that a developer can see how much time a method executed in a given period.

  • Migrate a RMI-Based Legacy Application to WebSocket

    Technical debt, especially in enterprise software, is a relevant problem that developers recurrently have to face. This article provides a use case related to removing technical debt in a large enterprise application based on an old fashioned Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol, and migrating it toward modern cloud-aware communication technologies.

  • Rapid Startup of Your Cloud-Native Java Applications without Compromise

    This article discusses the significance of startup time in cloud-native computing, highlighting challenges for JVM-based apps. It introduces Liberty InstantOn, which boosts startup times using checkpoint/restore technology, offering fast startup without compromising Java capabilities or facing static compilation trade-offs.

  • Billions of Messages Per Minute Over TCP/IP

    Chronicle Wire offers an alternative way of transferring data between systems, delivering more messages, faster, than common JSON/XML approaches. This approach to data serialization improves both latency and throughput.

  • Article Series: Developing Apache Kafka applications on Kubernetes

    Apache Kafka has integrations with most of the languages used these days, but in this article series, we cover its integration with Java. In this series, we also discuss how to provision, configure and secure an Apache Kafka cluster on a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Securing a Kafka Cluster in Kubernetes Using Strimzi

    Deploying an Apache Kafka cluster to Kubernetes is easy if you use Strimzi, but that’s only the first step; you need to secure the communication between Kafka and the consumers and producers, provide RBAC to access topics, spread the secrets correctly to Kafka Connect components and all using a Kubernetes GitOps way.

  • GraalVM Java Compilers Join OpenJDK in 2023, Align with OpenJDK Releases and Processes

    The Community Editions of the GraalVM JIT and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilers will move to OpenJDK in 2023. They will align with OpenJDK releases and processes. Existing releases, GraalVM Enterprise Edition, and other GraalVM projects will not. GraalVM 22.3 provides experimental support for JDK 19 and improves observability. Project Leyden will standardize Java AOT compilation.