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  • Dean Wampler on the State of Scala: 2.8, Concurrency, Functional Programming

    Dean Wampler discusses the state of Scala: the big changes in 2.8, the Scala on .NET, concurrency and parallelism with Scala and Akka, and experiences with adoption of functional languages.

    Dean Wampler on the State of Scala: 2.8, Concurrency, Functional Programming
  • Deep inside Node.js with Ryan Dahl

    Node.js aims to abstract the problem of concurrency and allow programmers with little experience to easily create servers that scale into the thousands of connections. This interview with the creator of Node.js, Ryan Dahl goes beyond the basic introductory information and focuses on motivations, internals and real-world issues like debugging, monitoring and scaling in the large.

    Deep inside Node.js with Ryan Dahl
  • Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration

    In this interview Google tools honcho from Brad Abrams talks about how Google tools integrate with Spring tools to help make Java developers’ lives easier. Abrams discusses Google’s reasons for targeting the popular Spring Framework. He also delves into the integrations between Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Speed Tracer with Spring tools such as Roo, STS, Spring Insight and more.

    Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration
  • Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web

    In this interview, Doug Crockford discusses his views on HTML5, which basically amount to a warning that the technology is not quite ready and poses potential risks is widely adopted too quickly. Crockford also talks about the evolution of JavaScript, which has become his favorite language, and of the ECMAScript 5 standard. In addition, Crockford calls for the eradication of IE6.

    Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web
  • Yehuda Katz Discusses SproutCore

    In this interview, Yehuda Katz, a recent arrival to Strobe Inc., discusses the SproutCore open-source JavaScript framework. Katz, of Ruby on Rails fame, joined the SproutCore effort in September. Katz talks about SproutCore 1.5, which is expected early in 2011 and will be the key mobile release of the SproutCore technology.

    Yehuda Katz Discusses SproutCore
  • Dan Ingalls on the History of Smalltalk and the Lively Kernel

    Dan Ingalls explains the ideas that went into Smalltalk, how it was developed at Xerox PARC, the ideas that went into Squeak, and his latest project the browser-based Lively Kernel.

    Dan Ingalls on the History of Smalltalk and the Lively Kernel
  • Joe Walker on Bespin

    Joe Walker explains the browser-based source editor Bespin: the architecture and implementation, the collaboration features, new ideas for command lines, Canvas vs DOM, speed, extensibility, and much more.

    Joe Walker on Bespin
  • Aaron Quint on the State of Javascript

    Aaron Quint talks about his projects Sammy, a Javascript port of Sinatra, and Jim, a Javascript packaging tool, as well as the state of Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, CommonJS, and much more.

    Aaron Quint on the State of Javascript
  • Dylan Schiemann on Mobile Web application Development with HTML 5 and JavaScript

    Dylan Schiemann talks about the challenges that Mobile Web Application developers face and how technologies like HTML 5 and JavaScript assist them. He also points out common pitfalls and ways to get around them.

    Dylan Schiemann on Mobile Web application Development with HTML 5 and JavaScript
  • Dean Wampler on Programming Languages

    This interview begins with a discussion of functional programming, the use of Scala by programmers trained in Java and the differences between purely functional languages like Haskell and hybrids like Scala. Later in the interview other programming languages are discussed along with the notion of programming paradigms and the need for combining both paradigms and languages to best solve problems.

    Dean Wampler on Programming Languages
  • Brian LeRoux and Robert Ellis on PhoneGap and Mobile Development

    Brian LeRoux and Robert Ellis explain PhoneGap and how it bridges smartphone platforms with HTML5 and Javascript, while still allowing access to device features like the accelerometer.

    Brian LeRoux and Robert Ellis on PhoneGap and Mobile Development
  • Avi Bryant on Trendly, Ruby, Smalltalk and Javascript

    Avi Bryant talks about the iterative process that led to Trendly ( ), using Javascript, Ruby and Java in the process. He goes on to give his view on the state of Smalltalk and Squeak and talks about his experiments with writing a Smalltalk that compiles to idiomatic Javascript to make use of all the modern Javascript VMs.

    Avi Bryant on Trendly, Ruby, Smalltalk and Javascript