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InfoQ Homepage JRuby Content on InfoQ

  • Rails performance analysis with New Relic

    New Relic introduces a new performance analysis tool for Rails applications. The tool is installable as a Rails plugin, and offloads the analysis to the New Relic service. We talked to New Relic's Lew Cirne about the technology behind the product.

  • Ruby Shoes Roundup: Ruby-Processing with JRuby, The Shoebox, GitHub

    We look at the recent developments around the Ruby Shoes GUI toolkit. The Shoebox is a repository for sharing applications written using Shoes. Next to useful applications, Ruby-Processing uses JRuby to get the Processing environment into Ruby.

  • Ruby Implementations Roundup: Ruby Spec, New Design Meetings, Rubinius uses C++

    Busy times for Ruby implementors recently, with regular design meetings set up (next one 30th April). The work on a Ruby Spec is continuing - with projects in GSoC and plans for continous integration for Ruby 1.8.x set up. Rubinius switched from C to C++ to implement it's core VM, but continues to use Ruby as implementation language.

  • Presentation: JRuby: Not Just Another JVM Language

    In this presentation from QCon San Francisco 2007, JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses the Ruby and JRuby featureset, the JRuby compiler, calling Java from JRuby and vice versa, programming Swing with JRuby, JRuby web applications, JRuby on Rails, persistence, build automation, Test-Driven Development and Behaviour-Driven Development.

  • Visual Rails Workbench available now from SapphireSteel Software

    SapphireSteel Software released an update to their Ruby development environment known as Ruby in Steel 1.2 which includes the new Visual Rails Workbench.

  • A Preview of Mingle 2.0

    On April 15th Thoughtworks will release Mingle 2.0, nine months after the initial release of Mingle. InfoQ got some time with product manager Adam Monago to talk through the new functionality provided by Mingle 2.0.

  • JRuby 1.1 released with major performance improvements

    JRuby 1.1 has been released, bringing massive performance increases due to the new JIT, a new Regex engine and other improvements. InfoQ talked to Ola Bini and Charles Nutter about the changes in the new release and the future directions of the project.

  • Using JRuby to generate Code for the JVM

    While JRuby's performance keeps increasing, there are still algorithms that are faster if implemented in Java. We look at different approaches to solve this: RubyInline for JRuby, generating bytecode with a JRuby DSL and a new subset of Ruby called Duby.

  • Interview: Ola Bini Discusses JRuby

    In this interview, Ola Bini talks about various aspects of developing JRuby, such as the long struggle to get compatible Regular expressions to work. Other discussed topics include JRuby's chances in the enterprise, the future of both Ruby and JRuby and what role JRuby will take.

  • RadRails goes 1.0 - adds Profiler, CallGraph Analyzer, Rails Shell, etc.

    RadRails 1.0, part of the Aptana IDE, has been released. Next to the powerful refactoring capabilities, it adds profiling tools and GUIs for Ruby, fast jruby-debug support for JRuby, and more. We talked to Christopher Williams of RDT and Aptana about RadRails 1.0.

  • Article: Deploying JRuby Applications with Java Web Start

    JRuby allows to make application deployment easy by allowing to use Java Web Start. This article walks through the necessary steps for deploying a JRuby GUI application (an Object Browser). Additionally, it looks at Ahead Of Time (AOT) Compilation, a new feature in JRuby 1.1, which allows to compile Ruby code to Java bytecode at build time.

  • JVM Dynamic Language Shootout

    Travis Jensen compares Groovy, Jython and JRuby for developing web based user interfaces.

  • JRuby support in Ruby in Steel for Visual Studio

    SapphireSteel's Ruby in Steel IDE for Visual Studio just added another feature: JRuby support. This includes a new fast debugger for JRuby. We talked to Huw Collingbourne about this new feature.

  • Common Ruby MVM API research kicked off

    Research on the topic of Multiple VM (MVM) Ruby will be conducted at the University of Tokyo together with Sun's JRuby team. The work will investigate issues such as communication between VMs and a common API across all Ruby implementations, with solutions provided initially for Ruby and JRuby.

  • JRuby 1.1RC2 released with reduced memory requirements

    The JRuby 1.1 release is inching closer: Release Candidate 2 is out - and it's a big update with many bug fixes. A big update was the work on the Ruby to JVM bytecode JIT, which now requires less memory and shares JITed code among multiple JRuby runtimes in the same JVM.