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InfoQ Homepage News

  • Microsoft Dev Proxy v0.17 Now Integrates with Azure API Center

    Microsoft has recently released Dev Proxy v0.17.0, which brings a range of enhancements. Users can now easily verify API registration with Azure API Center, ensuring compliance, and confirm the use of production APIs. Improved mocking requests enhance testing, while simplified acquisition and setup on Windows and macOS boost accessibility

  • JEP 476: Simplifying Java Development with Module Import

    JEP 476, Module Import Declarations (Preview), was integrated into JDK 23. This preview feature proposes to enhance the Java programming language with the ability to succinctly import all of the packages exported by a module, with the goal of simplifying the reuse of modular libraries without requiring code to be in a module itself.

  • AWS Adds Auto-Instrumentation of Python Applications to CloudWatch Application Signals

    AWS announced the support of auto-instrumentation of Python applications to the Amazon Cloudwatch Application Signals feature. Application Signals enables the use of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry to instrument Python applications without code changes. Application Signals allows for the monitoring of service-level objectives (SLOs) and works with several AWS observability and monitoring tooling.

  • Java News Roundup: New JEPs, Payara Platform, Spring Boot 10th Anniversary Podcast

    This week's Java roundup for May 6th, 2024, features news highlighting: the May edition of the Payara Platform; and new JEP candidates, namely: JEP 477, Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Third Preview), JEP 480, Structured Concurrency (Third Preview), JEP 479, Remove the Windows 32-bit x86 Port, and JEP 478, Key Derivation API (Preview).

  • QCon London: Modernizing in Healthcare – from On-Prem to the Cloud

    At QCon London, Leander Vanderbijl, senior engineer at Livi, discussed the journey of migrating an on-premises solution to the cloud, including the challenges he faced and the thinking behind the choices he made throughout the journey. The session was part of the "Connecting Systems: APIs, Protocols, Observability" track.

  • Amazon Q Business and Amazon Q Developer Now Generally Available

    AWS has recently announced the general availability of Amazon Q a generative AI-powered assistant tailored for businesses and developers. Amazon Q Developer provides code suggestions and recommendations in real time, while Amazon Q Business enables companies to get insights from structured and unstructured data.

  • Modern Data Architecture, ML, and Resilience Topics Announced for QCon San Francisco 2024

    QCon San Francisco returns November 18-22, focusing on innovations and emerging trends you should pay attention to in 2024. With technical talks from international software practitioners, QCon will provide actionable insights and skills you can take back to your teams.

  • People, Planet, Cloud and AI: Key Takeaways from QCon London

    This year’s QCon London brought a wealth of talks directly or indirectly related to software architecture, ranging from the rise of AI to more established areas like anything cloud-related to the usual classics like architecture quality traits . The conference also featured many talks about sociotechnical aspects of software architecture and engineering and broadly considered sustainability.

  • QCon London: Curating a Developer Experience

    In a talk at QCon London 2024 titled "Curating the Developer Experience," Andy Burgin discussed embracing Developer Experience (DevEx) as an operational philosophy at the betting company Flutter. Recognising the potential of DevEx to enhance productivity and foster collaboration and empathy between teams, Burgin explained how Flutter implemented and evolved their Developer Experience.

  • Challenges and Solutions for Building Machine Learning Systems

    According to Camilla Montonen, the challenges of building machine learning systems are mostly creating and maintaining the model. MLOps platforms and solutions contain components needed to build machine systems. MLOps is not about the tools; it is a culture and a set of practices. Montonen suggests that we should bridge the divide between practices of data science and machine learning engineering.

  • GitHub Enables Dependabot via GitHub Actions, Improves Supply Chain Security

    GitHub has released two features to improve the security and resilience of repositories. The first feature allows Dependabot to run as a GitHub Actions workflow using hosted and self-hosted runners. The second release introduces the public beta of Artifact Attestations, simplifying how repository maintainers can generate provenance for their build artifacts.

  • Meta Releases Llama 3 Open-Source LLM

    Meta AI released Llama 3, the latest generation of their open-source large language model (LLM) family. The model is available in 8B and 70B parameter sizes, each with a base and instruction-tuned variant. Llama3 outperforms other LLMs of the same parameter size on standard LLM benchmarks.

  • Enhance Cloud-Based Monitoring with Azure Monitor Pipeline

    Azure Monitor is Microsoft's cloud monitoring service for gathering, visualizing, and analyzing telemetry data from applications, infrastructure, and networks. The company recently added a data collection capability in preview with the edge pipeline, which enables the collection and routing of telemetry data before it's sent to the cloud.

  • JobRunr Introduces Version 7.0 with Built-in Support for Virtual Threads

    JobRunr v7 now defaults to virtual threads for applications using JDK 21, optimizing concurrency for I/O-bound tasks and allowing more jobs to run simultaneously. This update maintains compatibility with Java 8 and supports GraalVM native mode. RedisStorageProvider and ElasticSearchStorageProvider are planned to be dropped in future releases. MongoDB driver is also upgraded.

  • Podman 5 Improves Performance and Stability on Mac and Windows through Partial Rewrite

    The latest release of container management tool Podman brings a complete rewrite of the podman machine command to improve hypervisor support on macOS and Windows. Additionally, it now supports OCI artifacts in manifest files, adopts Pasta by default for rootless networking, and improves the containers.conf configuration file.