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InfoQ Homepage News TestMaker 5 Adds Distributed Test Support and Performance Comparison Utility

TestMaker 5 Adds Distributed Test Support and Performance Comparison Utility

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PutshToTest has released TestMaker 5.0. TestMaker allows developers use PushToTest to turn their unit tests into functional tests, load tests, and automated monitors using a test automation platform that runs on their desktop development system. PushToTest includes Wizards and Recorders to automatically build tests and supports a variety of languages, including Java, Jython, Groovy, PHP, and Ruby. TestMaker supports Service Oriented Architecture (SOA,) Web Service, AJAX, and REST services using their native protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, XML-RPC, and the email protocols, SMTP, POP, and IMAP). Among the highlights of the new release:
  • TestScenario is a new XML-based system to reuse unit tests as regression tests, functional tests, load tests, integration tests, and service monitors requiring no coding.
  • Record/play-back unit tests of Web applications using the integrated point-and-click TestGen4Web utility.
  • Create test suites of SOAP-based Web Services using the integrated Eviware soapUI utility.
  • Java 6 ScriptEngine (JSR 223) support enables you to write tests in any supported language: Java, Jython, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, and many others.
  • Distributed test environment (TestNetwork/TestNodes) to vertically scale tests to thousands of users and horizontally scale tests to operate the test from multiple locations around your network
  • Performance Comparison Utility shows changes in performance from one test to another.
  • Automatic archiving of test results in XML file format.
  • Log to Relational Databases (RDBMS)
  • Data Production Library (DPL) system to create dynamic data as test operates from XML files, Comma Separated Value (CSV) files, and Relational Database (RDBMS)
  • Expanded protocol handler support (HTTP, HTTPS, Apache SOAP, Apache Axis SOAP, REST, AJAX, email) and extensible to add your protocols.
  • Call TestMaker from the command-line to use with Continuous Integration Environments.

TestMaker is licensed as a free source code version distributed under GPL2 as well as a pre-built binary download that comes with a free commercial license that limits you to 200 concurrent running virtual test users and 10 service monitors. Additional users and monitors licenses available.

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