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InfoQ Homepage Performance & Scalability Content on InfoQ

  • The Box: A Shortcut to finding Performance Bottlenecks

    Finding performance bottlenecks can be a difficult task and it can get even more difficult as our applications grow in size. The Box is a methodology tool that focuses us efforts to improve performance.If you want to be consistent and predictable, getting rid of the guessing is a must.

  • Aaron Erickson on LINQ and i4o

    Aaron Erickson introduces his new LINQ extension Indexes for Objects (i4o). Indexes for Objects allows for fast lookup against in-memory collections while retaining the LINQ syntax and semantics. He also discusses how expression trees interact with LINQ and how they can be leveraged in other scenarios.

  • The Challenges of Latency

    In this article, eBay architect Dan Pritchett explains why global, large-scale architectures need to address latency, and what architectural patterns can be applied to deal with it. Topics covered include the need for asynchronous architecture, partitioning of data, and active/active design.

  • A Look at Common Performance Problems in Rails

    Rails performance expert Dr. Stefan Kaes takes a look at the most common performance issues in your Rails applications and what to do about them. Advice is given regarding benchmarking, choosing a session container, caching results of expensive computations, optimizing database queries and working effectively with view helpers.