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  • Java 9 on the Brink of a Delivery Date and Scope Review

    Following the passing of the May 2016 deadline for a feature complete Java 9, Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java Platform, suggested a method to collectively review all work remaining in unfinished JEPs and decide whether to delay the project further in order to accommodate, or to descope them. Although the process hasn't finished yet, the current state suggests a combination of both.

  • Initial Implementation of Module System Pushed to JDK 9 build 111

    Project Jigsaw has been in the works for a while now. On March 22nd 2016, an initial implementation of 'Module System' which is the last major component of Project Jigsaw, was pushed to JDK 9 in early access build 111.

  • Oracle Confirms Delayed Schedule for Java 9

    In a recent communication, Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle, suggested a six-month delay for the general availability of Java 9 so as to allow some extra time to finish project Jigsaw. After deliberation, the delay was accepted, setting the general availability of Java 9 to March 2017.

  • Oracle Carving Strategy for Unsafe Library

    Oracle carved out some direction for the library class sun.misc.Unsafe, from the unsupported sun.misc package in a blog last week. At issue has been the concern that this heavily used class will have its access severely limited via Project Jigsaw's JDK modularization.

  • OpenJDK Requesting Community Feedback on Java 9 Features

    The OpenJDK Adoption Group is requesting community feedback on the newly announced comprehensive list of feature additions, changes and removals projected for Java 9. InfoQ talks to the Java Champions group about what to expect from Java 9 and how to get involved.

  • Is Project Jigsaw Back On Track?

    Oracle Chief Java Architect Mark Reinhold reveals the plans and scheduling for Project Jigsaw, the Java modularity initiative, now scheduled for release with Java 9.

  • Jigsaw, Second Cut

    In a mail to the jigsaw-dev list, Mark Reinhold posted news of a reboot of the Jigsaw project to provide modularity for the JDK. Read on to find out more about what's happening, and what to look out for.

  • Oracle Resurrects getCallerClass, At Least for Now

    Oracle has reversed their decision to remove the method sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int) in Java 7u40. The method is planned to remain at least through Java 7.

  • Project Jigsaw Late for the Train: Deferment ratified

    JSR 337 expert group has ratified Oracle chief architect Mark Reinhold's proposal to defer Project Jigsaw to Java 9. Were the stated reasons sufficient motivation for this deferment?

  • Reactions to Mark Reinhold's Recent Announcement of Project Jigsaw's Delay

    Java developers across the ecosystem have been swift to react to Mark Reinhold's announcement last week that project Jigsaw, Oracle's planned modularity framework for Java, will now be delayed until Java 9.

  • Jigsaw Deferred until Java SE 9

    Mark Reinhold has announced on his blog that the Java Jigsaw modularity proposal has been moved from inclusion in Java SE 8 and deferred into Java SE 9. This will allow Java SE 8 to be released on schedule in August 2013, whilst the modularity proposal can be refined with wider visibility for inclusion in August 2015's Java SE 9 release.

  • Article: Java 7 Module System Concerns

    In this article, Lukas Krecan, introduces the reader with some basic concepts of modularization, gives a roundup of some Java module systems and deals with how Project Jigsaw is connected to the upcoming Java 7.