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InfoQ Homepage Prototype Content on InfoQ

  • Udi Dahan on Throw Away Prototypes

    In his recent blog post “Build one to throw away” Udi Dahan is addressing the chicken-and-egg problem software developers often face. On one hand, customers don’t exactly like what they want so that they need to closely interact with software engineers. On the other hand, building product-ready solutions for this interaction might lead to high costs.

  • Google and Microsoft Want to Improve HTTP

    Google and Microsoft want to improve HTTP with SPDY and Speed+Mobility. This article reviews both proposals outlining what benefits they bring to the much used Internet protocol.

  • Use Faker.NET To Fake Your Data

    Faker is an open source C# port of the Ruby Faker gem mainly used to easily generate fake (but presentable) data – names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Handy, whether its for demonstration purposes or for creating test data.

  • Is Good Code Enough for a Project to Be Successful?

    Simon Brown, a developer, architect and author, considers that it takes a lot more than just good code to create a successful project. In his presentation, "Good Code Isn’t Enough", Brown goes through all the elements necessary for a project’s success, from upfront design to operation documentation.

  • Virtual Panel: Evolution of JavaScript Frameworks for HTML 5

    In this virtual panel the creators and core developers of Dojo, YUI, Prototype,, MooTools and GWT talk about the evolution of JavaScript for the new API's that are exposed with HTML 5. These API's deal with 2D drawing, drag & drop, history, media, client-side persistent storage, server-sent events and more.

  • Article: Using SketchFlow to Create Better Prototypes

    Simon Guest of Microsoft introduces SketchFlow by discussing why prototyping is an important developer skill and how a tool can enhance developer-customer interaction. The functionality and features of SketchFlow are presented in the context of an ongoing sample application (an on-line store).

  • Debate: Prototype vs. jQuery

    With Ajax dominating the Web development scene on the client-side, the question “which JavaScript/Ajax framework is the best” has become a common one. Glenn Vanderburg’s article which compares Prototype to jQuery caused diverse responses from industry experts Douglas Crockford and Dion Almaer.

  • Agile Usability

    Jakob Nielsen, usability guru and author of Usability Engineering, raises the concern that Agile methods are a threat to traditional approaches to designing usability. He goes on to propose solutions so that usability designers can work together in the Agile world. In addition Alistair Cockburn, while generally supporting Jakob, takes issue with a few of his points.

  • Royal Pingdom Conducts JavaScript Framework Usage Survey

    Royal Pingdom recently released a survey of 200 popular websites detailing which sites use which Javascript frameworks.

  • Selection Criteria for Javascript Frameworks

    With the increase of AJAX adoption, many developers and architects are still trying to determine what are the best ways to evaluate Java Script frameworks/libraries. On a relatively recent post entitled "How to choose a Javascript Framework", Brian Raindel tries to offer some guidance in regards to the various aspects one should consider during the selection process, summarized here:

  • Prototype 1.6 and 1.8 Bring Performance and Ajax Enhancements

    In what is being deemed the most significant update since its creation 2 years ago, Prototype 1.6 along with 1.8 have been released.

  • Presentation: Prototype and spending weekends at home again creator Thomas Fuchs gives an overview about the concepts and functionality of both Prototype and the libraries, provides advice on what and what not to expect and gives pointers and hints on how to get started.

  • Prototype 1.6 RC Includes DOM Builder and Event API Overhaul

    Earlier this month the Prototype team released the first RC of 1.6.0. This release contains a number of core API upgrades, bug fixes, and new features. The Event API has been overhauled and a new DOM Builder API has also been added.

  • Picking an Ajax Framework

    Dr. Dobbs is currently featuring a case study of the Ajax framework selection process of a development team at T. Rowe Price. The article considers GWT, Dojo, Prototype/Scriptaculous, and Yahoo UI Library.

  • Interview with's Dion Almaer

    In this interview Ajaxian cofounder Dion Almaer talks about the state of Ajax development today. Among the items he discusses are the history of how Ajax came to be, which frameworks he recommends developers consider, and tooling/debuggins support. Almaer also talks about security and general design considerations that need to be respected when creating Ajax enabled applications.