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InfoQ Homepage Ruby Content on InfoQ

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2008

    This article presents the main takeway points as seen by the many attendees who blogged about QCon. Comments are organized by tracks and sessions: Keynotes, Architectures you've always wondered about, The Cloud as the New Middleware Platform, SOA, REST and the Web, Evolving Java, Banking, Agile in Practice, Programming Languages of Tomorrow, Effective Design, .NET, The Rise of Ruby.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Ola Bini, "Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects"

    JRuby core developer Ola Bini sat down to talk with InfoQ about Ruby and how he came to be involved with JRuby. In the interview Bini talks about the challenges of developing JRuby and where it is headed in the future. In addition to the interview, InfoQ is also proud to present an excerpt from Bini's book Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects.

  • Deploying JRuby applications with Java Web Start

    JRuby is built on Java - so it can make use of Java Web Start to make it easy to deploy JRuby apps. This article walks through the necessary steps for releasing a JRuby app with Java Web Start, including: how to handle signing, setting JRuby parameters and a look at using JRuby 1.1's coming AheadOfTime (AOT) compilation feature.

  • NetBeans: Ruby Developer's New Best Friend (Part 3)

    In the third and final article of the Netbeans Ruby series, Roman Strobl, covers quick fixes, RSpec support, and additional plugins of use to Ruby developers.

  • Ruby Concurrency, Actors, and Rubinius - Interview with MenTaLguY

    With Erlang popularizing Actors, Rubinius adding its Multi-VM, and Ruby 1.9 adding another concurrency primitive with Fibers (Coroutines), a lot of things are going on in the Ruby concurrency world. So we interviewed MenTaLguY, who works on Rubinius, JRuby and many aspects of concurrency in the Ruby world.

  • The State of IronRuby with John Lam

    IronRuby, announced by Scott Guthrie at MIX07 last April and in development since then, is set to be released the second half of this year. Find out how the team is doing and when we will see it. InfoQ had the opportunity to speak with John Lam, the leader of the IronRuby team, whose official title is Program Manager on the Dynamic Language Runtime Team.

  • Talking Rails 2.0 with David Heinemeier Hansson

    Ruby on Rails 2.0 is the next version of the premier web application framework for the Ruby language, after almost a full year in development. Rails 2.0 is full of great new features, bug fixes and lots of the polish expected from the team. InfoQ had the opportunity to talk with the creator of Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson, to learn what it's like to get this release out the door.

  • Book Excerpt and Review: Release It!

    'Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software' by Michael Nygard, which is nominated for a 2008 Jolt Award, discusses what it takes to make production-ready software and explains how this differs from feature-complete software. InfoQ spoke with Nygard about the areas that the book covers and some questions around how the book's philosophy fits in with concepts such as Agile.

  • NetBeans: Ruby Developer's New Best Friend (Part 2)

    This is the second article in an ongoing series detailing the new Ruby support of the Netbeans 6.0 IDE. This installment takes a look at editing features such as code templates, GEM support, and unit testing.

  • Using singleton classes for object metadata

    So you have a bunch of objects - let's call it an object graph - provided by some API. Now you want to to process the objects - which requires some intermediate data, for instance: the process creates some metadata that needs to be stored with the objects. The problem: where to store the metadata? We'll show how to use Ruby singleton classes to handle this problem.

  • Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2007

    This article presents the main takeway points as seen by the many attendees who blogged about QCon. Comments are organized by tracks and sessions: Keynotes, Architectures you've always wondered about, Architecture Quality, How much REST do we need?, Java in Action, Architecting for Performance & Scalability, Java Emerging Technologies, Challenges in Agile, Bleeding Edge .NET, The Rise of Ruby.

  • NetBeans: Ruby Developer's New Best Friend

    Sun has put a large investment into Ruby in the last year with JRuby and the addition of Ruby language support to their Netbeans IDE. InfoQ will be featuring a series of articles by Netbeans Evangelist Roman Strobl exploring the new Ruby features of Netbeans. The first article takes a look at code completion, debugging, and refactoring support.