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InfoQ Homepage Scalability Content on InfoQ

  • The Architecture of a Scalable and Resilient Google Cloud Solution

    Google has recently published a paper providing architectural guidelines for creating a scalable and resilient solution running on their cloud platform. This article digests the respective paper extracting the main ideas and advice. These guidelines can be used with minor changes for deploying web applications on other clouds.

  • Alex Bordei on Scaling NoSQL Databases

    Network performance, virtualization and testing are some of the considerations to address performance and scalability issues with NoSQL databases. Alex Bordei wrote about scaling NoSQL databases and tips for increasing performance when using these data stores.

  • Martin Thompson Discusses the Reactive Manifesto 2.0

    The second version of the Reactive Manifesto was announced at September's GOTO conference in Aarhus. Martin Thompson discusses the need for a revised version of the Manifesto and what its changes mean for the burgeoning reactive community.

  • AWS Adds Hooks Into Expanded Auto Scaling Lifecycle

    Amazon Web Services recently added several features to its Auto Scaling service to improve control over the managed Amazon EC2 instances. It is now possible to hook into the pending and terminating lifecycle state transitions to perform custom operations, which is also available for in service instances via a new standby state. The DetachInstances API now allows to remove instances from a group.

  • TypeSafe's Kevin Webber: Actor-based Concurrency for Reactive Systems

    In a recent article on Medium, TypeSafe's Kevin Webber argues that reactive programming "isn’t just another trend but rather the paradigm for modern software developers to learn" since it helps them to build systems that are responsive, resilient, and scalable. He also suggests that actor-based concurrency is the most convenient foundations for a reactive system.

  • FoundationDB SQL Layer: Storing SQL Data in a NoSQL Database

    FoundationDB has announced the general availability of SQL Layer, and ANSI SQL engine that runs on top of their key-value store. The result is a relational database backed up by a scalable, fault-tolerant, shared-nothing, distributed NoSQL store with support for multi-key ACID transactions.

  • Google unveils Mesa - Geo-Replicated Near-Realtime Scalable Data Warehouse

    Google has unveiled their new data-warehouse called Mesa. Mesa is a system that scales across multiple data centers and processes petabytes of data, while being able to respond to queries in sub-second time and maintain ACID properties.

  • .NET Actor Model Implementations Differ in Approach

    Last week Vaughn Vernon published Dotsero, a .NET actor model toolkit that follows the Akka API and earlier this year a preview of the Orleans framework based on the Actor model was released by Microsoft Research. In a recent twitter discussion Vaughn and Sergey Bykov, lead of the Orleans project at Microsoft Research, discussed the different approaches taken in Orleans and Dotsero.

  • Alternatives to Eventual Consistency

    Causal Consistency models offer an alternative Eventual Consistency for distributed systems; both models should be weighed against your system's requirements and risk tolerance.

  • Facebook: MVC Does Not Scale, Use Flux Instead [Updated]

    This article has been updated based on community and Jing Chen (Facebook)’s reaction. (See the Update section below.) Facebook came to the conclusion that MVC does not scale up for their needs and has decided to use a different pattern instead: Flux.

  • Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter Want to Make Sure that MySQL Is “Web-Scale”

    Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter have decided to make sure that a relational databases is “web-scale”, so they have put their efforts behind WebScaleSQL, a branch of MySQL 5.6 Community Edition.

  • HybridCluster announce free non-commercial licenses

    HybridCluster have announced a free for non-commercial use license for their cloud hosting platform. The platform supports Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) applications, and provides high availability and auto scaling with a combination of ‘AwesomeProxy’ a proprietary multi-protocol proxy server, lightweight containers and a ZFS based storage fabric.

  • Scaling Dropbox

    Being clever about system architecture in advance is hard. Scaling successfully is more about being clever with metrics and introspection, creating efficient build and provisioning processes and being comfortable with radical change. These are some of the keys to scaling at Dropbox according to Rajiv Eranki in his recent presentation at the 2013 RAMP Conference.

  • MySQL Reference Architectures for Small to Extra Large Websites

    Oracle has published MySQL Reference Architectures for Massively Scalable Web Infrastructure, a whitepaper outlining recommended topologies for different types and sizes of websites using MySQL for data storage.

  • Insight into the Phases of Scaling

    Christopher Smith shared insight into approaching and solving the problems of scaling web applications in his presentation "The Five Stages of Scale" at Scale11x last month. In Christopher's presentation he made a case for approaching scaling in a stages with well defined components that are either added or optimized to improve the overall scale of a web application.