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InfoQ Homepage SOA Content on InfoQ

  • Pragmatic SOA Governance

    In an article on SOA Governance, Ross Mason, CTO and Co-Founder, MuleSource, says that in today's world, the traditional top-down philosophy for SOA is outmoded and outdated and urges for a more practical real-world approach to governance and SOA in general.

  • SOA & The Tarpit of Irrelevancy

    A new three-part post by Neil Ford discusses both the rationale behind SOA implementations and the role large vendors play in distracting them.

  • Opinion: It is Time for a New Paradigm Shift in Business-IT Alignment

    Fred Cummins, an EDS fellow, offers his vision on how SOA is changing business-IT alignment. He dismisses some proposal which recommend fusing and diffusing IT with and within the business and explains how Services boundaries offer a natural boundary to foster collaboration between the business and IT.

  • Article: Why Do We Need Distributed OSGi?

    Recently, an early release draft of a Distributed OSGi requirements and design document has been published, along with a reference implementation as part of Apache CXF. In a new article, Eric Newcomer writes about the current status of distributed OSGi and explains the reasons for standardizing it in the first place, and its significance to the OSGi specification and community.

  • Presentation: Open APIs: State of the Market

    In this presentation filmed during QCon SF 2008, John Musser talked about Open APIs, their history, their current status and trends. He also talked about what makes an Open API successful, the business models behind them and some related technological details.

  • PRISM 2 Supports Silverlight

    Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight v2.0, a.k.a. PRISM 2, has been released on Microsoft Downloads. This release offers guidance for building Silverlight client applications as well as guidance for reusing code between WPF applications and Silverlight ones.

  • Interview: Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ian Robinson discusses REST vs. WS-*, REST contracts, WADL, how to approach company-wide SOA initiatives, how an SOA changes a company, SOA and Agile, tool support for REST, reuse and foreseeing client needs, versioning and the future of REST-based services in enterprise SOA development.

  • Article: InfoQ Editors' Recommended Reading List

    Members of the InfoQ editorial team discuss a number of books which have influenced how we think about software development, architecture and managing projects.

  • How to Align Process, IT and SOA Governance to Support BPM Initiatives?

    IBM just published the draft of a RedBook titled "Business Process Management enabled by SOA". The RedBook provides a general methodology which aims at aligning Process, IT and SOA governance to support BPM initiatives. The methodology defines a series of workstreams which are developed over a traditional project lifecycle.

  • Fremantle and Weerawarana on WSO2's New OSGi-based SOA Platform

    WSO2, the company behind many of the Apache foundation's Web services projects, has released new versions of most of its software, now running on an OSGi-based platform called "Carbon". InfoQ spoke to WSO2 co-founders Paul Fremantle and Sanjiva Weerawarana.

  • Article: Mainframe Integration with JBoss ESB and LegStar

    In a new article, Fady Moussallam & Mark Little describe how to use the open source JBossESB to integrate legacy COBOL CICS applications without necessarily having to rely on XML and Web Services stacks.

  • An ESB Vendors Evaluation by Forrester Research

    Forrester Research has just released a new 171-criteria evaluation of enterprise service bus (ESB) vendors, which finds that Progress Software, Oracle, Software AG, IBM, and TIBCO Software have the most-focused ESB and service-oriented-architecture- (SOA-) related strategies, the most-mature tooling, and the greatest flexibility in deployment and configuration.

  • Interview: Tijs Rademakers and Jos Dirksen on Open Source ESB

    InfoQ has published a sample chapter from the book “Open Source ESBs In Action”, authored by Tijs Rademakers and Jos Dirksen, and took the opportunity to interview the authors about their experience in using open source ESBs in real-world projects.

  • Considering a RESTful Approach to Net-Centricity in DoD

    A recent article makes a case for the REST architectural style using a Department of Defense’s project, called Net-Centric Data Strategy (NCDS), as an example. The authors argue that some of the core objectives of NCDS can be more naturally supported by the four basic principles of REST.

  • A Quick Look at Architectural Styles and Patterns

    App Arch Guide 2.0 (Microsoft patterns&practices), Chapter 6, talks about architectural styles like Message-Bus, Layered Architecture, SOA. Beside those styles there are numerous architectural patterns like Plug-in, Peer-to-Peer, Publish-Subscribe. Some authors make a difference between architectural styles, patterns and metaphors.