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InfoQ Homepage SOA Platforms Content on InfoQ

  • The Seven Fallacies of Business Process Execution

    After 8+ years of intense research, the promises of BPM have not materialized: we are still far from having the ability to use the business process models designed by business analysts to create complete executable solutions. Some argue that we need to re-engineer BPM standards. In this paper we explore a new architecture blueprint for BPMSs that offers a cleaner alignment between SOA and BPM.

  • Interview: IBM Architect Bertrand Portier on joining MDD and SOA

    In the wake of the latest product announcement from IBM, InfoQ talked to Bertrand Portier about a RedBook that presents a Model-Driven-Development approach to service construction. The concepts are general enough to be applied to product stacks other than IBM.

  • Setting out for Service Component Architecture

    Henning Blohm, Java EE Software Architect at SAP and Co-Chair of the SCA-J Technical Committee provides his perspective on Service Component Architecture as a cross-technology programming model integration. He argues that for vendors, SCA lowers the marginal costs of providing implementation or binding technology to its users and for users SCA reduces the marginal costs of making use of them.

  • Steve Sloan on BizTalk Server 2006 R2

    InfoQ talked to Steve Sloan, Senior Product Manager, about the BizTalk Server 2006 R2 in the context of SOA.

  • SCA Interview

    SCA has been the subject of many heated discussions since it was released to the public in 2005. In 2007 the specifications went to OASIS and created the OpenCSA forum. The OpenCSA members held their first plenary recently, coinciding with the first face-to-face meetings of the standards groups. We caught up with some of the attendees to ask them about SCA, standardization and adoption

  • Interview: Dino Chiesa on Microsoft's SOA strategy

    Microsoft has intensified its marketing efforts on SOA with the launch of a new web site, a series of webinars, an ebook, “SOA in the Real World” and the “SOA & Business Process Conference 2007”. In the next couple of months Microsoft will also be releasing .Net 3.5 and an ESB Guidance. InfoQ talked to Dino Chiesa, Director of Marketing for .Net to better understand Microsoft's SOA strategy.

  • Case Study: Composite Applications at Safeco

    A case study about how motor vehicle insurance records company Safeco used SOA approahes, SCA, BPEL, and composite application approaches to reuse legacy code, enable runtime modifiability thanks to decoupling, Java and .NET interoperability, and the ability to deliver a complex solution integrating over 5 systems in less than 8 weeks with a small team.

  • Interview with Sanjiva Weerawarana: Debunking REST/WS-* Myths

    InfoQ had a chance to talk to WS-* expert and WSO2 CEO Sanjiva Weerawarana, one of the fathers and a firm advocate of the WS-* architectural vision, we questioned him on the WS-* platform and his views on Microsoft's role in standardization. Sanjiva also took the opportunity to address "WS-* and REST myths".

  • An Introduction to Web Services Reliable Messaging

    Web Services Reliable Messaging 1.1 is available as a new draft version of the OASIS specification originally released by Microsoft, IBM, BEA and others. WS-RM ensures messages can be delivered reliable over unreliable protocols such as HTTP. Paul Fremantle, co-chair of the OASIS technical committee, provides an introduction.