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  • Q&A with Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland about Scrum Guide Updates

    The Scrum guide has been updated to better reflect what Scrum is and clear up misconceptions. Scrum can be used for building software products, and it can be applied to many other areas outside of software as well. Scrum is a framework based on empiricism for continuous improvement. Having a potentially shippable product increment at least every sprint or more often is a key element of Scrum.

  • Adopting Agile Beyond Software

    Eduardo Nofuentes talked about agile beyond software at 1st conference in Melbourne, Australia. He explored how you can deploy the agile principles and values outside software development, and gave examples of how he has used them to increase business agility when working with call centres and other non-software teams.

  • Agile Teams and Managers can Collaborate to Solve Impediments

    Impediments are issues that hinder agile teams. They are problems that teams are facing, which they need to solve. Managers can help agile teams in several ways to solve impediments.

  • Alternative Approaches for Implementing Agile

    Top-down implementation of agile is a commonly use approach for agile adoption in organizations. Alternative approaches exist, like implementing agile by stealth, using continuous improvement teams, starting with a quiet phase or taking baby steps by implementing a limited set of agile practices.

  • Using Scrum of Scrums with Agile Teams to Coordinate and Collaborate

    Scrum of scrums can be used to scale the daily stand-up meeting when multiple teams are involved. Its purpose is to support agile teams in collaborating and coordinating their work with other teams. Several authors have shared views on scrum of scrums, with experiences of using them.

  • New Scrum Kickoff Planner Aims To Help Agile Teams Start on The Right Track

    A new "Scrum Kickoff Planner" has just been released by Adam Weisbart with the aim of facilitating team discussion around the important facets of starting a new Agile team or project.

  • Survey Confirms Biggest Agile Challenges Are Communication and Continuous Improvement

    A new survey, conducted by Serena Software at the recent Agile 2012 conference in Dallas, Texas has confirmed that whilst projects using Agile are working well, they could be much better and some of the biggest challenges include upsteam and downstream communication.

  • The Daily Standup/Scrum is not for the Scrum Master

    Mike Cohn recently suggested that the Daily Standup (or Scrum) is not a status meeting for the Scrum Master, but a forum where team members are synchronising their work. Techniques such as breaking eye contact are helpful for Scrum Masters to fix this anti pattern in their teams.

  • Agile Humour: A Wrap Up of April Fools Day 2012

    The Agile community has a great tradition of making fun of itself and April Fools Day 2012 was no exception. Here is a wrap up of some of the best gags from this year that you may have missed.

  • Individual Yield

    Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt, enumerates some practical points on individual procutivity. This article wonders how well these apply to software development and contrasts his list with that of other lists.

  • Daily Standup Tips - a Roundup

    We often hear stories about daily standups that have become nothing more than long daily status meetings where team members tune out. What techniques do people have for avoiding this and other standup pitfalls?

  • An Agile Team's Weekly Schedule

    It's 9:35 AM; do you know where your agile team is? If they are using William Pietri's example schedule, they are in the middle of their stand-up meeting, unless it's Monday, in which case they are doing iteration planning & kickoff. William's sample schedule is understandable and practical, and sparked discussion that explored subtitles in scheduling for agile teams.

  • Patterns for Daily Stand-up Meetings Published

    Jason Yip has published "It's not just standing up", Patterns for Daily Standups on Martin Fowler's Bliki. In the article he discusses the benefits and consequences of common practices for daily stand-ups. The patterns are intended to help direct the experimentation and adjustment of new practitioners as well as provide points of reflection to experienced practitioners.