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InfoQ Homepage Static Analysis Content on InfoQ

  • Static Code Analysis can Highlight Deeper Flaws

    Static code analysis (SCA) tools like those offered by FindBugs, PMD, CheckStyle, IntelliJ IDEA can help a development team track down problems and keep quality high. But when an SCA tool flags a problem, how should a team react? Vikas Hazrati's Static Code Analysis is just the Tip of the Iceberg suggested: look deeper.

  • Google SoC Series: dcov - Ruby documentation coverage analyzer

    Ruby gains another tool to ensure code quality: dcov analyses Ruby code and determines the documentation coverage. We caught up with dcov developer Jeremy McAnally to talk about his plans.

  • Coverity Prevent SQS: Java Static Analysis Defect Detection

    The Java static-analysis defect detection space got a new entrant this week with Coverity's release of Prevent SQS, a code analysis tool that analyzes byte code, and builds an interal map of all possible execution paths upon which interprocedural defect analysis is done to find problems that lead to runtime exceptions, security vulnerabilities, unpredictable behavior, and performance degradation.