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InfoQ Homepage Test Automation Content on InfoQ

  • Automated Testing Solutions for Android

    There are a number of automated testing frameworks or tools for Android applications, including but not limited to Activity Instrumentation, MonkeyRunner, Robotium, or Robolectric. LessPainful is providing automated tested on real devices as a service.

  • Gorilla Logic Release FlexMonkey 5, Open Source Testing Tool for Adobe Flex and AIR

    Gorilla Logic have today announced the availability of FlexMonkey 5, their open source automated testing tool for Adobe Flex and AIR.

  • Software Architecture in the Movies

    Keeping up-to-date with software architecture can be a tough endeavor. Information is normally available within thick books or somewhere hidden in the Web. Another more entertaining way can be to watch clips available at video sites such as YouTube and Vimeo.

  • Janova and EdgeCase build Testing Tool in seven Months

    The experts of the software company EdgeCase have recently assisted the Enterprise Architecture Company Janova from Ohio in building a Web-based, automated testing tool. The tool is provided as a Cloud-based application that enables users to define the test scripts used for Batch Processing in plain English. For its implementation the developers leveraged the programming language Ruby.

  • Visual Studio vNext Will Bring More Agility and DevOps Integration

    Microsoft has unveiled at TechEd North America 2011 some of the new features coming in Visual Studio: more Agile tools for project planning and collecting stakeholder feedback, a connector for providing operations feedback to developers, plus architecture diagrams and unit testing for VC++.

  • TestNG 6 adds Guice and YAML

    Cedric Beust has announced TestNG 6.0, with Guice and YAML support and including improvements to the Eclipse TestNG plug-in.

  • Starting Test Automation for a Legacy Project

    It is always a herculean task to write automated regression tests for a legacy application. The questions vary from where to start, how much to automate and deciding on the best strategy for automation.

  • JUnitMax tightens the feedback cycle of software development

    Kent Beck re-released JUnitMax, a continuous test runner plugin for Eclipse that tightens the feedback loop of programmers aiming for a low risk, high throughput pace of development.

  • What do you do, Testing or Checking?

    Software testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. However, this definition does not talk about sapience which brings about a subtle difference between testing and checking. Michael Bolton talked about this difference and the reason why there should be a difference between the two.

  • Faster Ruby Test Execution With Devver

    Devver is a new service that runs your Ruby tests in parallel on their cloud infrastructure. InfoQ talked to Ben Brinckerhoff from Devver to understand how they can speed up your tests.