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InfoQ Homepage Version Control Content on InfoQ

  • BitBucket Offers Git Support

    Today, on the one-year anniversary of the purchase of BitBucket, Atlassian announced that BitBucket will be offering Git repositories, as well as their long-supported Hg repositories

  • Veracity, a New DVCS Based on a Distributed Database

    Veracity is a DVCS that can be installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and uses a distributed database for its repository.

  • GitHub Passes 2m Repositories

    GitHub recently announced they had passed two million git repositories hosted, with 70% being created in the last year alone and an expected 1m users later this year. What else is new at GitHub?

  • Is OSGi the Right Foundation for Java Middleware?

    Ross Mason, founder of MuleSource expressed his frustration with OSGi: "OSGi is a great specification for middleware vendors, but a terrible specification for the end user." He argues that OSGi just isn’t ready for the developer yet as it is too difficult to completely make it invisible to a developer.

  • One-way and Bidirectional Synchronization with Team Foundation Server

    Team Foundation Server Integration Tools offers synchronization architecture and adaptors for one-way and bidirectional synchronization with other systems. In addition to development tools, built-in adapters are included for TFS 2008, TFS 2010, ClearCase and ClearQuest. In order to test the capabilities of the tool, an intern is being assigned to attempt a subversion adapter.

  • Collabnet Offers new Agile ALM Cloud options

    Collabnet has released a new version of Teamforge (5.4), the general release of Subversion Edge, and a new Teamforge licensing agreement (TeamForge SCM Licensing option). All were announced at the Agile 2010 conference this week. The stated intent of these new products is to increase the flexibility of organizations seeking to adopt Agile software development methods.

  • REST and versioning

    The problem of how to version services in a REST-based environment is something that comes up time and again. This time Ganesh Prasad offers a proposed solution based not on modifications to the service URL but on the fundamental reason behind versioning in the first place.

  • EGit Eclipse Git plug-in released

    The first public version of the org.eclipse EGit plug-in version 0.7.1 has been released at EclipseCon. EGit is based on the pure Java implementation JGit, which means that it has no external dependencies or native code requirements; something which has historically hindered the adoption of Eclipse's Subversion support.

  • ThoughtWorks’ Developers Favor Distributed Version Control Systems

    Martin Fowler has conducted a survey on ThoughtWorks’ software development mailing list to determine how some of the version control systems (VCS) are perceived by developers. He also wrote a review of most prominent VCSes comparing centralized and distributed systems.

  • Versioning Strategies For RESTful Services

    In this article Stu Charlton examines the various options available for versioning RESTful services which he prefaces by saying “These can be tricky concepts to describe, and I don't really want to write a small book on this topic”.

  • Is Proliferation Of Custom Media Types RESTFul?

    Subbu Allamaraju, revisits one of the recurring debates in the REST community; the standard media types vs. custom media types and tries to determine the best practices when using them.

  • Git# Offers Git Access for .NET and Mono Projects

    Git# is a .NET and Mono version of the popular source code management system, Git, obtained by porting JGit to C#. Other related projects are: msysgit and gitextensions.

  • MindTouch 2009 Includes Publishing from MS Desktop Applications

    MindTouch announces the ability to publish content from any Microsoft Desktop application to its collaborative industrial wiki. New user functionality includes: one-click publishing from any MS application and in-place editing of Microsoft Office. The new functionality is delivered as, Aurelia Reporter, Desktop Connector, and MS Word and MS Outlook connectors.

  • GitHub Announces Issue Tracker and New API

    GitHub now also offers an issue tracker, integrated with their Git repository hosting. The issue tracker is also accessible through their new API 2.

  • Article: SOA Contract Maturity Model

    In this article, Kjell-Sverre Jerijærvi presents with enough detail Microsoft’s SOA Maturity Model (SOAMM) which can be used to evaluate the maturity of a SOA implementation.