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InfoQ Homepage Virtualization Content on InfoQ

  • Ravello Now Supports Google Cloud Platform

    Ravello Systems spreads its effort on leveraging the job of development and testing teams by integrating with Google Cloud Platform, adding to Amazon AWS/EC-2, Rackspace and HP Cloud, the cloud solutions already supported in Ravello

  • A New Style Is Emerging in the Enterprise: Software-Defined Architecture

    According to Gartner’s Yefim V. Natis, VP & Fellow, a new enterprise architectural style is rising these days: Software-Defined Architecture (SDA).

  • Ravello Discusses Development and Testing at Deutsche Telekom

    Deutsche Telekom is using Ravello Systems' nested virtualization solution in its development and testing cycles and in the configuration management process as well. The Ravello’s appliance helps Deutsche Telekom to spread their solutions globally, following the principles of flexibility and agility pursued by them.

  • Docker Index Offers Private Repositories, Webhooks And Other Services

    Docker Inc., the company behind Docker, introduced a range of new services, including its first paid offering: private repositories. Docker index,'s public registry, now also offers webhooks, triggers and links for trusted builds and e-mail notifications.

  • Vagrant Launches Collaboration Tools for Development Environments

    DevOps tool provider Vagrant announced significant features in their 1.5 release, including a public image repository and the ability to share access to running environments. The Vagrant Cloud is meant to simplify the discovery and distribution of complete development environments. Vagrant Share lets developers collaborate with others by exposing HTTP or SSH access to these virtual environments.

  • Docker drops LXC as default execution environment

    With the release of version 0.9 have dropped LXC as the default execution environment, replacing it with their own libcontainer. At the same time Docker now supports a much broader range of isolation tools through the use of execution drivers, which include: OpenVZ, systemd-nspawn, libvirt-lxc, libvirt-sandbox, qemu/kvm, BSD Jails, Solaris Zones, and chroot.

  • Mac OS X and BTRFS support in Docker

    As part of the 0.8 release the team have announced support for installation on Mac OS X and the use of the BTRFS as an alternative to AUFS.

  • FutureOps with Immutable Infrastructures and Built-in Failure Recovery

    Mitchell Hashimoto, creator of Vagrant, gave a talk last month at Velocity Conf London about his vision for a “FutureOps” with immutable infrastructures and built-in failure recovery.

  • Xen Project Releases 1.0 of Mirage OS

    Mirage OS is a ‘cloud operating system’ that seeks to avoid security vulnerabilities and bloat by facilitating the creation of single purpose virtual appliances. Applications are developed in the OCaml functional programming language and compiled into standalone ‘unikernels’ that run directly on the Xen hypervisor.

  • Introducing Docker, Inc: dotCloud Goes All-In On Container Technology

    PaaS provider dotCloud has changed its company name in order to align with the red-hot open source technology it sponsors. Docker, Inc will continue to offer a standalone PaaS product, but is shifting its primary focus to growing and commercializing its namesake software. To get additional insight into the explosive growth of Docker and where the product is going, InfoQ spoke to CEO Ben Golub.

  • CodeCube Offers Shareable, Runnable Code Samples

    CodeCube is a new service and open source project that aims to improve collaboration by allowing developers to both share and run code samples in a secure manner via the browser.

  • Juniper Launches OpenContrail for Software Defined Networking

    Juniper Networks have launched their software defined networking (SDN) solution OpenContrail using the permissive Apache v2 open source software license. This means that there is now an open source alternative to VMware’s NSX solution for SDN, which was launched last month at VMworld.

  • Securing Docker and Containers

    Jérôme Petazzoni, senior engineer at dotCloud, examined the progress of security concerning Docker compared with other virtualization and container like technology in his recent blog post "CONTAINERS & DOCKER: HOW SECURE ARE THEY?". Jérôme makes a case for the techniques that secure Docker, in spite of the acknowledgement that improvements are needed.

  • VMware Details Networking and Storage Improvements in Drive Towards Software Defined Data Center

    VMware launched new networking and storage capabilities for its Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) at the opening keynote of VMworld 2013, delivering products it promised a year ago.

  • Economics of Application Virtualization on AWS

    Most users of Amazon EC2 use the service inefficiently with only a 15% utilization of the infrastructure. The most effective way to use EC2 is by running many applications in large memory reserved instances. James Watters describes how the new architecture of Cloud Foundry uses Linux Control Groups to optimise efficiency and reduce costs by up to a factor of 10.