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InfoQ Homepage Visualization Content on InfoQ

  • Different Approaches to Create Story Wall

    Ryan Mckergow explains various ways to set up story walls for agile team. This post includes setting up columns, rows, selecting colors and avatars for the story wall.

  • C3.js Brings Charting Power Without the Learning Curve

    The JavaScript charting library, C3.js is a newcomer in an ocean of similar tools. Built on the D3 visualization library, it enables developers to create reusable charts and provides ways to manipulate a chart after it appears on screen.

  • Sensor Networks - GEOCens finished its Pilot Phase

    In December the GEOCens (Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Sensing) is finishing its pilot phase, as the not-for-profit organization Cybera has recently published at The software architecture is supposed to improve researcher access to international environmental data drawn from more than 60,000 sensors and 2,800 web map servers.

  • New Tool for Debugging Parallel Applications in Visual Studio 11

    Microsoft has released the Parallel Visualization Pack for Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview. Built to extend the functionality of the new Parallel Watch Window, the pack includes four visual tools to aid in debugging multithreaded applications.

  • Mobile HTML5 Charts by Sencha

    Sencha has launched Sencha Touch Charts, a beta version of a set of rich, interactive charting components built with HTML5 and optimized for mobile devices. Part of the Sencha Touch offering, this library enables developers to build interactive radar, bar, line, stacked, and pie charts that are optimized for Apple iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices.

  • VMware vFabric SQLFire Is Both an SQL Distributed Cache and a Datastore

    VMware vFabric SQLFire is an in-memory distributed SQL-based cache which can work with a traditional database to persist data to disk.

  • Kanban Boards from Sys Admin to Sales

    Mattias Skarin, co-author of InfoQ's popular mini-book on Kanban and Scrum, shares a set of kanban boards that can be used to visually manage anything from system administration, to development teams with multiple clients, to sales.

  • Bloggers React To Open Virtualization Alliance Announcement

    Yesterday’s announcement that a group of company’s led by Red Hat, IBM, HP and others have formed the Open Virtualization Alliance had bloggers talking. The the goal is to foster the adoption of Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). But speculation ran high after the announcement that some member companies may be attempting to break the stranglehold VMWare and Citrix hold on the market.

  • New Google APIs: Prediction, Fusion Tables, and Books

    Google has announced new or improved APIs at I/O 2011: Prediction – predicting new results from historic data, Fusion Tables – sharing and visualizing data online, and Books – accessing 15M books.

  • Visualize First. Build Later.

    A Computerworld article and webinar announcement, both featuring the use of iRise, to visually capture business application requirements calls attention to this growing product segment.

  • MapPoint Add-In For SQL Server Released

    Microsoft released a free MapPoint 2009 Add-In for SQL Server 2008 spatial data. The add-in can be used with MapPoint to build map graphics against queries on SQL Server 2008 spatial geography columns.

  • Article: Amazing Charts In Rails

    This article is an introduction to creating Flash charts using the FusionCharts Free library from Ruby, complete with a feature comparison of other charting libraries.

  • Solo: Engine Yard on Amazon EC2

    Solo is a new offering from Engine Yard to run their software stack on Amazon EC2. We talked to Engine Yard's founder and architect Jayson Vantuyl to learn the differences between Solo and their present hosting services and what their target audience is.

  • Terracotta-VisualVM Integration Offers Cluster-wide Visualization and Event Correlation

    Terracotta integration with Sun Microsystem's VisualVM tool offers JVM and cluster-wide visualization. Terracotta announced last week its integration with Sun's VisualVM technology which gives Java developers and web administrators visualization and analysis capabilities to assist in tuning and troubleshooting of Java applications using the Terracotta management console.

  • Storing Code in Queryable Data Structures?

    Is today’s mainstream use of flat files the optimal way to represent code? Several discussions occurred in the blogspace in reaction to Rick Minerich’s post advocating for moving away from this paradigm towards keeping code in queryable data structures. What are the advantages of this approach and what are the trade-offs to take into consideration?