Accueil InfoQ Lean Kanban France 2016 sur InfoQ
Digital Transformation… The Hard Parts
Why do so many organizations fail with their attempts at digital transformation and agile adoption?
Value in Software Development
A voyage into the multidimensional, systemic and subjective nature of Value in software development.
Allan Kelly discusses how to use benefit to drive software planning and how this approach supports the #NoProjects agenda.
The Lean Code
Lean is a learning structure, not an execution method – based on learning by doing with the teams that do the job themselves.
Des startups dans l’état
Retour sur 4 ans d’expérience dans l’incubateur de services numériques, qui a vu l’émergence de plus de 20 services publics numériques en mode startup.
La fin de la hiérarchie n’est pas celle du manager
Ayant réinventé la gestion de projet avec l’agilité, les organisations se tournent maintenant vers le management et s’attaquent à la hiérarchie sous l’égide de l’entreprise libérée.
Alignment at Scale - or How to Not get Totally Unagile with Lots of Teams
Agile is based on self-organizing teams. For a single-team scenario that's not too difficult, but what if you have a whole bunch of teams?