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  • Do Stand-ups Stand Up for Larger Teams?

    The daily stand-up meeting helps the team members make a commitment to each other about what they aim to achieve in the day and identify obstacles to progress, if any. However, many Agilists believe that the conventional stand-ups break down quickly as the team size increases.

  • A Study: Ways To Make Web 2.0 Work In The Enterprise

    The McKinsey Quarterly Report published a study that spanned the last couple years and more than 50 early adopter enterprises. The purpose of the study was to gain insight into successful adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise.

  • 3 Pillars Of Executive Support For Agile Adoption

    An executives job is not over once they've justified agile to their teams and paid for training. To make a transition successful, its required this executive provide sustained support. Esther Derby takes a moment to describe what she believes to be the 3 most important aspects of this ongoing support.

  • Mapping Traditional Software Development Roles to Scrum

    Mapping traditional software development roles to just the three roles in Scrum can be challenging. Mike Cottmeyer attempts to provide an effective mapping which would help the teams.

  • Assess Your Agility With ''

    Sebastian Hermida has put together a free online tool to help teams get a better understanding of how well they're doing adopting agility. The site,, is based on the "Assess Your Agility" quiz Jim Shore and Shane Warden include in their book, The Art Of Agile Development.

  • Article: SOA Contract Maturity Model

    In this article, Kjell-Sverre Jerijærvi presents with enough detail Microsoft’s SOA Maturity Model (SOAMM) which can be used to evaluate the maturity of a SOA implementation.

  • Evaluating SOA Readiness: A Perspective

    David Conway an independent Enterprise Architect and SOA Consultant, shares his perspective on SOA readiness in an organization and gives some practical advice on what to consider before embarking on an SOA initiative.

  • Debate: Is SOA Dead?

    Burton Group's Anne Thomas Manes wrote an obituary for SOA, saying SOA met its demise on January 1, 2009, when it was wiped out by the catastrophic impact of the economic recession. InfoQ has collected industry reactions.

  • RESTful Business Conversations

    In an on-going series of posts titled The REST dialogs, Duncan Cragg “argue[s] the case for eBay to adopt a truly REST approach to their integration API”. In “Business conversations”, Duncan makes a businesses case for adoption of REST-style architecture.

  • James Shore: The Decline and Fall of Agile

    James Shore has declared agile to be in decline. He cites the many teams doing 'sprints' and stand-up meetings, without adopting any of the technical practices necessary to produce high-quality software over the long-haul. In his estimation, this has led to thousands of Scrum teams doing agile so poorly that they will almost certainly fail, and possibly take the agile movement with them.

  • Agility Means Truthfulness

    Talk about agile can often tend toward the tangible things that people do day-to-day, toward the "process of agile", but true agility is really less about process and more about principle. Travis Birch presents his perspective about some of these more intangible aspects of agile, namely "truthfulness".

  • 'State of Agile' Survey Shows Wider Agile Adoption

    The results of Version One's 3rd annual 'State of Agile' survey are in. According to the survey, agile practices are being used more widely and with impressive results. More than half of the respondents indicated that 90 - 100% of their organization's agile projects have been successful, and 93% indicated that agile practices had enhanced their ability to respond to changing priorities.

  • Fowler: Agile Vs. Lean Misses the Point

    In a recent blog post, Martin Fowler explains how the question "Should I use Lean software development instead of Agile?" is based on a false premise. Agile and lean are so deeply interwoven that if you are doing agile you are doing lean, and vice-versa. Those considering process change will likely find the description of the interrelatedness interesting and enlightening.

  • Presentation: Future Directions for Agile

    In this presentation filmed during Agile 2008, David Anderson talks about the history of Agile, the current status of it and his vision for the future. The role of Agile does not stand in just having a practice, but in finding ways to implement the principles contained by the Agile Manifesto.

  • Agile Smells: Don't Let This Happen To You!

    Mark Levison wrote an interesting blog summarizing some of the work that has been done to catalog Agile smells. We summarize some of those smells and point to other intersting work that documents the Agile community's experience in adoption.