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InfoQ Homepage Application Servers Content on InfoQ

  • Introduction to JBoss Seam

    JBoss Seam is a new full-stack web application framework that unifies and integrates Ajax, JSF, EJB3, Portlets, and BPM. This article is an editted excerpt of chapters 1 and 2 from the first (to-be-released) book on Seam by Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute. It explains what Seam can do and grounds the concepts with a HelloWorld example.

  • An Update on Spring 2.0 Final

    Spring 2.0 was initially supposed to come out in June/July, why the delay? InfoQ interviewed the Spring team - based on massive community feedback, the team has chosen to delay the launch to Sept 26th in order work on asynchronous JMS capabilities, JPA, the new JSP form tag library, OSGi integration, documentation, and backwards compatibility.

  • Real-World Rule Engines

    For many developers, rule engines are buzzwords, or black boxes on an architectural diagram: something to be feared or admired from afar, but not understood. In this article, Geoffrey Wiseman shares his practical experience with rule engines and with Drools in particular to support in-market solutions for financial services.

  • Casestudy: Brasilian National Healthcare System

    This casestudy takes a detailed look at the implementation and architecture behind the Brasilian National Healthcare System, a 2M line of code, truly mission critical Java application. Lessons learned, best practices, and details down to the interaction diagram are covered