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InfoQ Homepage Best Practices Content on InfoQ

  • Bad Attitudes of Agile

    Christopher Goldsbury explores some "bad attitudes" of Agility - assertions about management, documentation, testing, teams, and schedules that are commonly encountered, but contrary to reality. These bad attitudes find refuge and justification in Agile despite the fact they are false. Addressing these viewpoints before they, potentially, darken a good movement is essential.

  • Error Handling Considerations in SOA Analysis & Design

    This paper looks at various error handling considerations associated with design of re-usable services and provides an outline of what error handling considerations apply during SOA analysis and design phases and also describes some best practices into designing these considerations to ensure that services are designed and implemented in all its completeness.

  • 5 Configuration Management Best Practices

    There has been a lot of conversation going on around the configuration of applications, and how to manage it. This article explores things people can do from within their code to make their lives, and the lives of anyone else who has to administer or maintain their application, easier. These patterns have been used a number of times on ThoughtWorks projects, and they have proven their worth.

  • SOA Manifesto - 4 Months After

    It is four months since the SOA manifesto was announced; InfoQ interviewed the original author’s and in some cases pulled in their comments on the manifesto from the web to get a broad understanding of the manifesto, as well as provide insight into the goals of the participants, individually and as a whole, and provide transparency to the mechanics involved in putting together such an initiative.

  • SOA and Service Identification

    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been widely accepted as an approach that facilitates business agility by aligning IT with business. In this article, Rathina Dhandapani, highlights key best practices in an SOA initiative to identify, validate and verify service inventory content well before implementation.

  • Tips for Effective Software Reuse

    Vijay Narayananoffers 10 practival tips on succeeding with systematic reuse of software components, based on his experience with multiple projects. The collection of tips is not intended to be exhaustive but will help developers and team leaders to appreciate the variety of strategies that one has to undertake in order to succeed with systematic reuse.

  • Where To Now with Build Automation?

    Most developers nowadays are familiar with the basic tenets of Continuous Integration, but arguably only a small proportion of these are fully benefiting from an optimized CI set up.This article, discusses taking Continuous Integration beyond merely being a glorified cron job and making it an effective, productivity-enhancing hub for development activity.

  • We Need to Create Information System Ratings

    Pierre Bonnet, CTO of Orchestra Networks, argues that information systems are too opaque and not agile enough. He claims this is the main reason why "healthy" multinationals can collapse within months as they take on too much risk. He suggests that information systems be rated on how they manage master data, business rules and business processes.

  • A Message Type Architecture for SOA

    This article proposes a new Message Type Architecture based on two DSLs to help manage the message formats in a SOA. The approach promotes reuse via the Enterprise Data Model referenced in message type definitions. It also helps aligning the Data and SOA governance processes.

  • Contract Versioning, Compatibility and Composability

    Kjell-Sverre and Jean-Jacques revisit the principles of contract design focusing on the concept of compatible contract based on XML, XML Schema and WSDL extensibility to foster service reuse and complement Governance. The article includes a novel approach to manage message types in relation to an enterprise data model.

  • Implementing SOA Governance

    The hardest thing about a successful adoption of SOA is not the technology, but rather, the culture change. In this article, Todd Biske offers his perspective on using Governance to drive this culture change. The article covers the establishment of policies, defines the role of a CoE and look at techniques to help with the enforcement of these policies.

  • Scalability Worst Practices

    In this article, former Orbitz lead architect Brian Zimmer discusses scalability worst pratices. Topics covered include The Golden Hammer, Resource Abuse, Big Ball of Mud, Dependency Management, Timeouts, Hero Pattern, Not Automating, and Monitoring.