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InfoQ Homepage Code Quality Content on InfoQ

  • Understanding Large Codebases with Software Evolution

    InfoQ interviewed Adam Tornhill, author of Your Code as a Crime Scene, about software evolution and mining social information from code and how to use this to increase the understanding of large codebases, how to create a geographical profile of code, and the benefits that can be gained from techniques like mining social information and geographical profiling.

  • Measure and Improve Code Quality

    InfoQ interviewed Boris Modylevsky about the importance of measuring code quality and how measurements can be used to improve quality, integrating static code analysis in continuous integration, testing coverage and test automation, and the benefits that continuous integration with integrated code analysis and test coverage can bring.

  • Uncle Bob Proposes an Oath to Programmers

    Uncle Bob proposes an oath to software programmers as other professions have, considering the importance of this craftsmanship.

  • InnerSource: Internal Open Source at PayPal

    InnerSource is the name given to a development approach that applies open source software practices to the way organizations' develop software internally. Cedric Williams, technology leader at PayPal, explained how PayPal is experimenting with InnerSource to break down silos, grow collaboration and increase productivity.

  • Moving Towards Integral Quality

    Olaf Lewitz gave a keynote about Integral Quality at the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015. InfoQ asked Lewitz about quality attributes, what causes poor quality software, the relationship between the structure and culture of the organization and software quality and about clarifying intent and increasing trust.

  • Model-based Migration Approach for Maintenance of Legacy Software

    Hans van Wezep, software architect at Philips Healthcare, talked about model-based migration at the Bits&Chips Software Engineering conference. InfoQ did an interview with van Wezep about the challenges in maintaining legacy software, why manual refactoring is error prone, using models to refactor and migrate a codebase, and the benefits of using models when maintaining legacy software.

  • Developing Provably-Correct Software Using Formal Methods

    Computer-checked models can be used to prove that core communications and state management in a software program are 100% logically correct. Such models can also be used to generate 100% correct source code. The usage of formal methods can reduce costs and time to market and help to deliver highly reliable software products.

  • Benefits of Continuous Testing

    At Unruly teams have been applying eXtreme Programming (XP) since being founded in 2006. Teams take a test-first approach to developing code and invest in automated checks that can be run in live environments. InfoQ interviewed Rachel Davies about the importance of a continuous approach to testing, how this has evolved over the years and the business advantage that it delivers to Unruly.

  • Automated Error Reporting in Eclipse Mars

    At EclipseCon, the automated error reporting and UI freeze detecting tool - built into Eclipse Mars - was demonstrated. Having only been in the package for a short while, it has already helped identify and subsequently fix a number of problems. InfoQ spoke to the people behind the tools to find out more.

  • Microservices and the Goal of Software Development

    The goal of software is to sustainably minimize lead time to positive business impact, everything else is detail, Dan North claimed in a presentation at the QCon London conference describing ways of reasoning about code and how this leads him into an architecture style that may fit microservices.

  • Your Code as a Crime Scene

    Measuring software complexity is a popular and common activity among the software development community, judging by the number of tools built over the years and the literature around the subject. Drawing from his blend of engineering and psychology backgrounds, Adam Tornhill proposed to its audience at QCon London to treat their code as a crime scene, with the help of version control tools.

  • Java's JDK Repository Now Builds Warning-Free

    The cleanup programme for OpenJDK has reached a major milestone - the main OpenJDK jdk repository is now free of build warnings.

  • Is Unhedged Call Options a Better Metaphor for Bad Code?

    In a blog post on bad code and technical debt Steve Freeman described how Chris Matts came up with the metaphor of an unhedged call option for bad code. This post is being intensively discussed on Reddit and on Hacker News recently. InfoQ interviewed Steve and Chris about using metaphors for bad code and code smells, trade-offs and costs of low quality code, and responsibilities for code quality.

  • Improve your Programming Skills with helps developers to increases their craftsmanship in a language through feedback and discussion. It’s a community and tool where developers can write code and discuss it to strengthen their problem-solving skills. InfoQ did an interview with the creator of exercism Katrina Owen and with Richard Thomson who contributed the C++ language track for exercism.

  • JetBrains Updates All Their .NET Tools Starting with ReSharper 9

    JetBrains has announced new RTM versions for their .NET tools, including ReSharper 9, dotTrace 6, dotCover 3, dotMemory 4.2, dotPeek 1.3 and TeamCity Add-in 9.0. JetBrains has created a single installer and platform for these tools. When attempting to install ReSharper, developers are presented with the option to install other .NET tools which will share the platform.