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InfoQ's research widget has been deprecated. It should continue to work however, and we hope to relaunch it at some point in the future.

  • Flash Under Fire: Are you using HTML5/JavaScript Exclusively?

    Adobe’s Flash has come under scrutiny in the past week, with Firefox blocking it in all browsers for a short time, and Facebook’s chief security officer calling for the company to announce the end-of-life date for Flash.

  • What's Your Technology Stack to Create Mobile Apps?

    Since the impact of mobile applications is ubiquitous in the whole it industry, there are numerous ways to create an app. In this community-driven research initiative, we are examining the importance and adoption level of different tools and toolstacks to create a mobile application.

  • 30 Most Popular 3rd-Party Controls for .NET Applications

    .NET components not only enhance productivity but also enable developers to build applications with intuitive user interfaces. InfoQ wants to know which third party component is popular and widely used among developers for the development of ASP.NET, AJAX, MVC and Windows based applications.

  • What Puzzles You Most About Functional Programming?

    With so much diversity, it’s hard to define the exact scope of what exactly functional programming is. Is it a question of how to design your program, that is, using functions as the primary abstraction? Or is it about programming with mathematical functions, meaning pure functions that do not have side effects? And what are those monads again?

  • Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?

    Functional programming promises many benefits - but its adoption in the industry and the enterprise has been slow. What are the big obstacles to the adoption of functional programming?

  • Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM

    Since the early days of Java, there have been many frameworks and libraries that have tried to improve web developers productivity and this trend has continued with JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, JRuby, Clojure, etc. Using the new community research tool, we at InfoQ want to get YOUR opinions on the relative importance and maturity of a variety of web frameworks that are targeted for the JVM.