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InfoQ Homepage Dependency Injection Content on InfoQ

  • Dependency Injection for Java

    Dependency injection has been around for a while and there are quite a few frameworks which provide such capabilities for Java applications. Recently Google and SpringSource announced a partnership related to providing dependency injection for Java.

  • Article: A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • Article: JavaScript Test Driven Development with JsUnit and JSMock

    This article by Dennis Byrne is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. Dennis uses stubs, mock objects and a little bit of dependency injection. He also uses JsUnit to run unit tests and a JavaScript mock object library called JsMock.

  • Managed Extensibility Framework Preview 4

    Microsoft's Managed Extensibility Framework is an open source (MS-PL) .NET application composition framework available on CodePlex. MEF provides aspects of a plug-in model and an inversion of control container. Code Preview 4 includes performance and diagnostic improvements.

  • Web Beans (JSR-299): Q&A with Specification Lead Gavin King

    An ambitious and key part of Java EE 6, the Web Beans specification spans JSF/EJB integration, context management, dependency injection and AOP. The specification is currently in public review and the review period has been extended into 2009. An Alpha build is also available. InfoQ talks to Gavin King to find out more about the state of play of the specification and progress to date.

  • Interview: Erich Gamma Discusses Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit and Design Patterns

    In this interview from QCon London 2008, Erich Gamma discusses the Jazz project, why Eclipse has been successful, the strict Eclipse release schedule, JUnit, Design Patterns, how to identify a design pattern, design patterns and the 'Don't Repeat Yourself' principle, the design pattern community, and whether dependency injection is a design pattern.

  • Interview : Nate Kohari on Releasing Ninject 1.0

    In this interview with Nate Kohari, creator of the Ninject dependency injection container for .NET, talks about the release of version 1.0 of Ninject. The interview has taken place over the past weeks leading up to the release of Ninject 1.0.

  • Article: Domain Driven Design and Development In Practice

    Domain-Driven Design is a subject where there currently are very few examples of how to actually do it in practice. In this article, Srini Penchikala gives you guidelines, practices, frameworks and tools that technical leads and architects can use in the effort of implementing a system in a Domain-Driven way.

  • Microsoft Enterprise Libarary 4.0 Released for Visual Studio 2008

    Microsoft released a version of their Enterprise Library 4.0 for Visual Studio 2008 and at the same time, Unity 1.1 application block, their dependency injection container.

  • Book Excerpt and Interview: Effective Java, Second Edition

    Effective Java, Second Edition by Joshua Bloch is an updated version of the classic first edition, which was the winner of a 2001 Jolt Award. The book's publisher, Addison-Wesley, made an excerpt available to InfoQ which includes the contents of the fifth chapter, entitled 'Generics'. InfoQ asked Bloch several questions about the areas that the new edition covers.

  • Microsoft Embraces Dependency Injection in the Framework

    Microsoft's new Application Framework Core team has started to embrace techniques Naming and Activation Services, Dependency Injection, and Duck Typing in .NET's core frameworks.

  • Try to get the best of your Statically Typed Language

    The use of dynamic type-checking in static languages is often perceived as unavoidable on complex projects, even though workarounds necessary to enforce it tend to negatively impact the quality of code. According to Debasish Ghosh, features in static languages, i.e. Java generics, offer an opportunity to avoid runtime type checking and optimize the advantages of static typing.

  • Microsoft Unity Dependency Injection Application Block Released

    The Microsoft patterns & practices group has released its Dependency Injection container called Unity or the Unity Application Block. Developers can now create loosely coupled applications that are extensible using this lightweight container.

  • Presentation: Introduction to Spring.NET

    Dr. Mark Pollack, founder of Spring.NET, provides an introduction focused on implementing and designing loosely coupled application architectures.

  • Can DDD be Adequately Implemented Without DI and AOP?

    A recent thread on Domain Driven Design (DDD) user group discussed the role of Dependency Injection (DI) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in DDD implementation. InfoQ spoke with Eric Evans and Ramnivas Laddad about these design concepts and the role of Annotations and orchestrated business services in DDD.