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InfoQ Homepage Design Pattern Content on InfoQ

  • Dependency Injection for Java

    Dependency injection has been around for a while and there are quite a few frameworks which provide such capabilities for Java applications. Recently Google and SpringSource announced a partnership related to providing dependency injection for Java.

  • Interview: Joseph Yoder on Adaptive Object Model Architecture

    In this interview Joseph Yoder talks about the Adaptive Object Model (AOM) architecture, a software architecture for easily adapting to changing business requirements.

  • Data, Context and Interaction : A New Architectural Approach by James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskau

    James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug have recently introduced a new architectural approach to OOP based on Data, Context and Interaction pattern. It should allow capturing user mental model in terms of behavioral requirements, something that classic OOP fails to do. The article, that triggered many reactions and critics, provides insights into DCI using concrete examples to show its advantages.

  • Should ASP.NET Developers Learn ASP.NET MVC?

    Many discussions of whether or not developers should use or learn ASP.NET MVC has been going on in blogs, Twitter and forums the last couple of weeks. The opinions varies from not recommended to all ASP.NET developers should learn it. InfoQ have tried to summarize some of the recent activity around this topic.

  • Article: Grid Computing on the Azure Cloud Computing Platform, Part 1

    In this 3-parts series of articles, David Pallmann explains how to perform grid computations on the Azure cloud computing platform. In Part 1 he presents a design pattern for using Azure for grid computing, while in Part 2 and 3 he is going to give a concrete code example.

  • When Is POSTing State Appropriate?

    In an article, Tim Bray, examines the feedback from the first public draft of the APIs for the Sun Cloud. He responds to feedback in the article and explores the ways to model interactions such as, creating a VM in a Cluster, in a RESTful way.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Jaroslav Tulach's Practical API Design

    Jaroslav Tulach's latest book Practical API Design covers the topics of API design in modern software applications, what factors make a good API, and how to go about implementing API frameworks. InfoQ spoke with Jaroslav about his new book. We are also making an excerpt from the book available for our readers.

  • Article: A Fusion of Proven Ideas: A Look Behind S#arp Architecture

    In this article Billy McCafferty presents S#arp Architecture, an ASP.NET MVC architectural framework meant to leverage current best practices in architecting ASP.NET web applications by providing a project code template which uses Domain-Driven Design techniques and has built-in support for NHibernate, Castle Windsor and SQLite.

  • Avoiding Three Common Mistakes when Implementing XML and Web Services

    In his new comment, IBM’s Kyle Brown examines three different common anti-patterns, or "worst practices," that can make adopting Web Services and SOA implementations more difficult than it needs to be.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Thomas Erl's SOA Design Patterns

    InfoQ has published an excerpt from Thomas Erl’s newest book, SOA Design Patterns, and used the opportunity to interview the author. Topics covered include the role of a patterns catalog, differences between service-orientation, SOA, and Web services, and the current state of the SOA world.

  • Article: JavaScript Test Driven Development with JsUnit and JSMock

    This article by Dennis Byrne is a crash course in writing maintainable JavaScript. Dennis uses stubs, mock objects and a little bit of dependency injection. He also uses JsUnit to run unit tests and a JavaScript mock object library called JsMock.

  • Managed Extensibility Framework Preview 4

    Microsoft's Managed Extensibility Framework is an open source (MS-PL) .NET application composition framework available on CodePlex. MEF provides aspects of a plug-in model and an inversion of control container. Code Preview 4 includes performance and diagnostic improvements.

  • Interview: Software Design Helps Being Agile

    In this interview made by InfoQ’s Deborah Hartmann during Agile 2008, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock talks about software design, the need for good design and the technical debt that might accumulate slowing down the development process. The conclusion is that agile developers should not disregard design.

  • The “SOA Design Patterns” Book Is Available

    Prentice Hall has just announced the release of Thomas Erl’s latest book - SOA Design Patterns - the industry’s most comprehensive catalog of design patterns for SOA.

  • Web Beans (JSR-299): Q&A with Specification Lead Gavin King

    An ambitious and key part of Java EE 6, the Web Beans specification spans JSF/EJB integration, context management, dependency injection and AOP. The specification is currently in public review and the review period has been extended into 2009. An Alpha build is also available. InfoQ talks to Gavin King to find out more about the state of play of the specification and progress to date.