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InfoQ Homepage Erlang Content on InfoQ

  • Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson on “Erlang Programming”

    Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson talk on Erlang features and what makes it a powerful concurrent language in a discussion centered around their book entitled “Erlang Programming”. They talk about design patterns, functional programming, type annotations, hot software upgrades, influences on other languages, using the VM for other languages, and others.

    Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson on “Erlang Programming”
  • Luke Galea on Ruby and Erlang

    In this interview taped at FutureRuby, Luke Galea talks about his experience with building sites using Ruby and Merb as well as integrating them using Erlang in the messaging layer.

    Luke Galea on Ruby and Erlang
  • Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones discuss Erlang and Haskell

    Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones discuss Erlang, Haskell, the origins and development history of each, concurrency models, virtual machine implementations, comparisons to Scala, the mental model of a programming language versus the implementation, performance and optimization, and static versus dynamic typing - they both also make some surprising revelations.

    Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton Jones discuss Erlang and Haskell
  • Lennart Augustsson on DSLs Written in Haskell

    In this interview filmed at QCon SF 2008, Lennart Augustsson talks about writing DSLs in Haskell, presenting the advantages offered by the language. In that context, he talks about embedded DSLs, static and dynamic languages, syntax and semantics, monads and many other related topics.

    Lennart Augustsson on DSLs Written in Haskell
  • Damien Katz Relaxing on CouchDB

    In this interview, Damien Katz talks about CouchDB, a distributed, fault tolerant, document oriented database developed by Apache Incubator. CouchDB is written in Erlang, and the database is accessed through an HTTP/JSON API. The database view engine is run on JavaScript, but other languages have been used like Ruby and Python.

    Damien Katz Relaxing on CouchDB
  • Joe Armstrong About Erlang

    In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Joe Armstrong, designer of Erlang, speaks on various aspects of the Erlang language, presenting its roots, how it compares with other languages and why it has become popular these days due to its native ability to scale on multi core systems.

    Joe Armstrong About Erlang
  • Tom Preston-Werner on Powerset, GitHub, Ruby and Erlang

    In this interview filmed at RubyFringe 2008, Tom Preston-Werner talks about how both Powerset and GitHub use Ruby and Erlang, as well as tools like Fuzed, god, and more.

    Tom Preston-Werner on Powerset, GitHub, Ruby and Erlang
  • Guy Steele on Programming Languages

    Sun Fellow Guy Steele is interviewed by Floyd Marinescu, co-founder of InfoQ, and Bobby Norton of ThoughtWorks. Guy works for the Programming Language Research Group. The interview focuses on programming languages, the lessons to be learned from the past and what to expect from the future.

    Guy Steele on Programming Languages
  • CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

    In this interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2007, CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski talks to Stefan Tilkov about his appreciation for REST, occasions when he would still use CORBA and the role of description languages for distributed systems. Other topics covered include the benefits of knowing many programming languages, and the usefulness of of Erlang to build distributed systems.

    CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang