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InfoQ Homepage Google AppEngine Content on InfoQ

  • Google App Engine 1.5.0 Released

    Google have announced that their Google App Engine will come out of preview status later this year, with a restructured fee policy for those who want to use it for larger deployments. In addition, the 1.5.0 release includes preview support for Go, the systems language created by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.

  • Google Releases the High Replication Datastore for App Engine

    Google offers now two options for storage on its App Engine, the Master/Slave Datastore and the new High Replication Datastore, which remains available during downtime and offers a higher degree of resiliency to catastrophic failures.

  • Google Goes Deeper into the Enterprise with Chrome and GAE for Business

    Google wants to make inroads in the enterprise space offering a business version of Chrome, including policies, preferences, and configuration capabilities, and upgrading the GAE offering with an SLA, support, billing, hosted SQL, SSL, and SSO.

  • Writing HTML5 Applications with Google App Engine, Google Closure Library and Clojure

    Stefan Richter, CTO of, explained this week at the Google Developer Day in Munich, his vision for writing rich internet applications using HTML5 and Google App Engine and why he thinks that it will be more difficult to build a client-side component based HTML5 when compared to Server-based page rendering.

  • Google & Spring Collaborate To Advance Cloud Java Development

    VMware and Google today announced an early November 2010 'general availability' of their collaborative projects to move Java-based cloud development forward by bringing the Google Web Toolkit to Spring Roo, integrating Spring Insight with Google Speed Tracer, and incorporating Google Plugin for Eclipse into the Eclipse-based SpringSource Tool Suite.

  • Measuring and Comparing the Performance of 5 Cloud Platforms

    Bitcurrent and Webmetrics have run a number of tests for a month on 5 different cloud platforms - Amazon, Google, Rackspace,, and Terremark -, attempting to measure the performance of each platform. One of their conclusions is that each platform works better for different application types.

  • DataMapper Reaches 1.0 Milestone

    DataMapper, an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Ruby, arrived at a milestone recently reaching 1.0 status. The release, announced during RailsConf 2010, and coinciding with Dirkjan Bussink's presentation at the conference on the subject.

  • JRuby Roundup: 1.5.1, Google App Engine, Native Extensions

    JRuby on Google App Engine has come a long way, recently with improvements in JRuby 1.5.1. Also: work on native extension support in Ruby Summer of Code.

  • AppengineJS, a JavaScript Port of the Google App Engine Python SDK

    AppengineJS is an open source JavaScript port of the Google App Engine Python SDK helpful to create web applications that can be deployed on GAE infrastructure accessing Google’s persistent storage and services.

  • Useful Helpers for Applications Deployed on Google App Engine

    Some of the later helper frameworks and tools for applications written for Google App Engine are: SimpleDS and Objectify - two persistence frameworks, Kotori – a JUnit runner, Apple Guice – a case study GWT application, and Engine Watch – a GAE monitoring application for Android devices.

  • Google Chose Jetty for App Engine

    Google App Engine was initially using Apache Tomcat as their webserver/servlet container but eventually switched to Jetty.

  • JRuby Roundup: JRuby 1.3 Released, ruby2java, JSR 292 Progress

    JRuby 1.3 is now available, bringing performance improvements and compatibility with Google AppEngine. Work on other improvements is continuing and a first version of the ruby2java compiler is now available. Also: InvokeDynamic support is making it's way into the builds for the next Java version.

  • Panel: Virtual Panel on Cloud Computing

    In this virtual panel, InfoQ wants to find out from leading cloud experts what are the benefits brought by cloud computing as well as the constraints in using them, what is better to use, a public or a private cloud, is the cloud interoperability needed, what is the difference between providing infrastructure or a platform, and how can a client enforce regulatory compliance.

  • JRuby Roundup: Google App Engine Support, BiteScript, New Compiler

    With JRuby 1.2 released, the JRuby community is working on new projects such as a new Ruby to bytecode compiler, a standalone JRuby parser and a first release of the bytecode generating DSL Bitescript. Also: JRuby works on Google App Engine's newly announced Java support.

  • Google Brings App Engine's Pros and Cons to Java

    Google has broadened their Google App Engine (GAE) support to include Java in addition to Python. However, it also imposes a number of limitations on the GAE Java applications to further Google's ability to scale and cluster them with minimal effort.