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InfoQ Homepage Governance Content on InfoQ

  • Overcoming Obstacles in Implementing SOA

    In his new article, Jonathan Mack provides a first-hand insight on meeting SOA challenges from business, technology and organizational points of view. He defines key components of successful SOA, major implementation obstacles, and the ways to overcome them.

  • How do you get Started with SOA Governance?

    Starting a SOA Governance organization is arguably difficult. Too much of it and people will try to avoid it while not enough of it will make people question its value. We review the answers provided by industry experts who share their experience.

  • Quest for True SOA

    In his new article Alex Maclinovsky describes a concept of Aspect-Based SOA infrastructure. He starts from the rational for such platform and uses several examples to demonstrate the advantages of such architecture. He also explains how this platform can directly support desired SOA governance, through introduction of additional aspects, directly supporting compliance to the enterprise policies.

  • WOA Governance Is Different To SOA Governance

    In a recent article, Dan Foody CTO of Actional discusses how Web-based architectures need governance, but that it will be fundamentally different to SOA governance.

  • Can ITIL and SOA complement each other?

    Despite similarities in approach and goals, ITIL and SOA remain separate initiatives within modern IT organization. Is it the result of the chasm between operations and development organizations? can this chasm be bridged? and can these initiatives help each other to achieve the vision of continuous improvements?

  • Setting up COE for SOA

    As SOA continues to mature, the importance of SOA governance, helping to improve organizational support for SOA and ensure disciplined approach to SOA implementation, keeps growing. One of the ways to start and implement SOA governance is through establishing a SOA center of excellence.

  • Article: SOA Governance: An Enterprise View

    In a new article, SOA architect Michael Poulin explains the necessity for SOA governance to ensure an SOA initiative's success, and explains the role the OASIS SOA Reference Model and the accompanying SOA Reference Architecture assign to SOA Governance. Michael observes SOA governance specifics from the enterprise perspective and illustrates them with several examples of SOA Governance policies.

  • Oracle Unveils ts SOA Product Strategy

    After the Oracle acquisition of BEA it was not clear how Oracle was going to integrate often competing SOA products in its and BEA’s portfolio. In his presentation last month David Shaffer, VP Product Managemen for, Oracle Integration, described the Oracle-BEA product Strategy and Roadmap for SOA, BPM, Governance and Events.

  • Best Practices for SOA Governance: a User Survey

    One of the key takeaways from this survey is that SOA is real and happening on a large scale. Governance was critical or moderately important for 91% of the respondents. The survey also sampled the most popular SOA standards. InfoQ spoke with Miko Matsumura, Deputy CTO of Software AG, who commented the results.

  • Is Technology Important for SOA Governance?

    Michael Stamback, who just started a new blog on SOA Governance, asked this question a couple of weeks ago. Can the introduction technology help your SOA Governance effort? or are the cultural and organizational issues simply too overwhelming?

  • Article: Ian Robinson on Consumer-driven Contracts

    In a new article, ThoughtWorks' Ian Robinson discusses how consumer-driven contracts, in the form of "stories for services" and unit tests exchanged between service development streams, can strengthen the service-oriented development lifecycle. In contrast to contracts defined from the POV of the provider, consumer-driven contracts result from combining the demands of all known service consumers.

  • Did you Perform a Silo Analysis as part of your SOA Implementation?

    Jeff Schneider provides a set of practical questions to guide governance activities through "Silo Analysis". He and others provide specific tips to avoid creating Silo Services, a common SOA anti-pattern.

  • Agile Cloud Computing?

    Almost a year on from their initial announcements around grids and cloud computing, Arjuna Technologies have released more details of what they're working on: a new Cloud-platform called Arjuna Agility that emphasises a non-invasive approach to getting the most out of your IT investments as they migrate to the cloud.

  • Is Enterprise Data Management the Third Face of the SOA/BPM Coin?

    Fred Cummins, an EDS fellow, and SOA veteran, wrote an essay last week on "Data Management for SOA". He is looking at how some of the key tenets of service design ("loose coupling" and "autonomy") relate to enterprise data in the context of achieving reuse and enabling change.

  • IcedTea: The First 100% Compliant Open-Source Java

    The IcedTea project has passed the Java Test Compatibility Kit, becoming the first 100% open-source licensed Java implementation to be completely verified as Java-compliant.