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InfoQ Homepage Internet Explorer Content on InfoQ

  • Enhancements in JScript 5.8, the IE8 Scripting Engine

    After a couple of betas, IE8 was finally released last month including version 5.8 of its JScript engine. The main enhancements of the scripting engine are: JSON support, performance optimizations, ECMA 3 compatibility, a profiler plus a debugger.

  • Spying on Silverlight

    The success of Microsoft Silverlight, as seen in the recent Beijing Olympics, shows the capabilities of the technology and is attracting more developers. The addition of end-users and developers using Silverlight will also drive more tool development and one such useful tool is Silverlight Spy by First Floor.

  • IE8 Beta 2 Released for the Consumer

    Microsoft has just released Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2. While Beta 1 was aimed to the developers, Beta 2 is for the consumers. Some of the top features of the browser are: Web Slices, Search Suggestions, Accelerators, Compatibility View, SmartScreen Filter.

  • Internet Explorer 6 on its way out (or not)?

    Since attaining a peak of about 95% usage share during 2002 and 2003, Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) has been rapidly losing market share. As the end of 2008 approaches, significant online services, vendors and web frameworks are dropping support for IE6. Will this year be the end of IE6 and what does this signify for Web 2.0 developers?

  • A New Way to Write Mashups in IE

    Microsoft is creating a new way to write mashup-like functionality with what they call "Activities". Rather than being defined within a specific page, users can launch the same set of Activities regardless of what page they are on. The specifications for these have been released under Creative Commons and include patent protection, making them available to other web browser vendors.

  • MSXML 4 is Not Going to be Disabled

    Back in March we reported that Microsoft was going to "killbit" MSXML 4. Due to its wide use and a lack of a suitable replacement, they have rescinded that decision.

  • Internet Explorer increases cookie limit to 50

    Internet Explorer will now support 50 cookies per domain, but the performance implications of large HTTP request sizes require caution on the part of web developers.

  • Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

    A new version of the IE Developer Toolbar is available. This provides a collection of tools for web developers including a real time DOM editor and the ability to view pages with scripting or CSS disabled.

  • Run Multiple Versions of IE on one PC

    With the release of Internet Explorer 7 (IE), web developers once again need to test multiple versions of IE. Unlike other browsers like FireFox, IE is a system component for the Windows operating system. This makes running multiple versions side-by-side very difficult. Yousif Al Saif's Multiple IE installer makes that pain go away.