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  • Article Series: Getting a Handle on Data Science as a Software Developer

    Software developers and managers are realizing that they need data science among their skills, to be able to tackle pressing problems. In this series, field experts provide guidance to help us navigate among the available data analysis options. They explore ways of understanding where data science is needed and where it’s not, and how to turn it into an asset.

  • Data Science up and down the Ladder of Abstraction

    Although Clojure lacks the extensive toolbox and analytic community of the most popular data science languages, R and Python, it provides a powerful environment for developing statistical thinking and for practicing effective data science.

  • Clojure in Action, Second Edition, Review and Authors Q&A

    Clojure in Action, written by Amit Rahore and Francis Avila, is an essential, thorough, and well organized introduction to Clojure 1.6 that explores the core parts of the language while introducing the reader to Clojure's pragmatic and idiomatic nature. InfoQ has spoken with Francis Avila to learn more about his book, Clojure's advantages, and its future.

  • Clojure Recipes Review and Q&A

    Addison Wesley’s Clojure Recipes is a new book that aims to help developers to get deeper into Clojure, moving from a generic understanding of the language features and syntax to setting up more complex projects that integrate external libraries. The book contains a collection of "weekend" projects targeting web client and server apps, implementing DSLs, using Datomic, Cascalog, Hadoop, etc.

  • Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model Book Review and Q&A with Vaughn Vernon

    Vaughn Vernon in his new book Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model shows how this model can simplify enterprise software development. After an introduction to the basics of the actor model and tutorials on Scala and Akka the rest of the book is a patterns catalogue describing most of the patterns in the book Enterprise Integration Patterns from an actor model perspective.

  • Deploying Microservices to AWS at Gilt: Introducing ION-Roller

    Over a period of seven years, has grown from an e-commerce start-up running a monolithic Ruby on Rails application to $1B luxury goods company operating a cloud-based microservice platform utilising Scala, Docker and AWS. This article introduces Gilt's ION-Roller continuous deployment application, and explains the history and motivations that lead to the creation of this tool.

  • Scala in Large Scale Systems

    This is the first installment in a series about using Scala for large-scale data stores and analytics. Dave Hrycyszyn speaks to Andrew Jayne, senior software engineer at McLaren Applied Technologies, about the experience of building a custom high-performance data store in Scala.

  • Functional Programming in Scala Review and Q&A with the Authors

    Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason's Functional Programming in Scala "is not a book about Scala," say the authors, rather it is a principled introduction to functional programming that relies on Scala. An interview with the authors.

  • Scala 2.12 Will Only Support Java 8

    Scala 2.12 will require a Java 8 or above JVM to run. This release, scheduled for release in early 2016, will not run on any JVM before version 8.

  • A Few Good Rules

    Peter Neumark from Prezi talks about the importance of deciding what development standards to adopt and to detect when they're past their expiry date. Using Netflix and Prezi as examples, Peter illustrates with technical examples when to stick to standards and when to move on to better solutions.

  • Introducing Spring XD, a Runtime Environment for Big Data Applications

    Spring XD (eXtreme Data) is Pivotal’s Big Data play. It joins Spring Boot and Grails as part of the execution portion of the Spring IO platform. Whilst Spring XD makes use of a number of existing Spring projects it is a runtime environment rather than a library or framework, comprising a bin directory with servers that you start up and interact with via a shell.

  • Virtual Panel on Reactive Programming

    Reactive programming is a very hot topic: InfoQ asked three proponents of reactive programming how their libraries and frameworks achieve reactiveness and what this means for the developer. The participants are Viktor Klang (Akka), Timothy Baldridge (Core.Async), and Jafar Husain (RxJava).