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  • Oracle Releases Hotfix for the Double.parseDouble Bug in Record Time

    Oracle has released a hotfix for a recently re-discovered decade-old bug in the Java platform which could be used for denial of service attacks on servers. The fix was issued in record time.

  • JDK 7 is Feature Complete

    The JDK 7 project says it has shipped the first feature complete build of JDK 7, tracking close to the expected schedule.

  • IBM Joins OpenJDK

    Oracle and IBM have today jointly announced that IBM will collaborate in the OpenJDK community to develop the Java platform, starting with the recently revised JDK 7.

  • OSGi Community Event

    Last week saw London's OSGi Community Event, in conjunction with JAX London. The conference presentations covered a wide range of environments, from Java EE migrations and cloud computing, down to embedded devices and Android.

  • JavaOne: Modularity and Integration are Main Goals of Future Java SE, EE and Embedded Platforms

    Modularity, integration and serviceability are some of the main goals for future releases of Java SE, Java EE and Java for Embedded Platforms. Mark Reinhold, Roberto Chinnici and Greg Bollella spoke at JavaOne 2010 Conference General Session on new Java technologies and features in JSE, JEE, and Java Embedded Systems.

  • Mobile, JavaFX Emphasized at JavaOne Keynote. JavaFX Script is Dropped

    At Monday's JavaOne keynote in San Francisco, Oracle EVP Thomas Kurian highlighted Oracle's plans for the Java platform with a three-year roadmap and demos of JavaFX and other technologies. Elsewhere it announced plans for JavaFX 2.0 and the decision to drop JavaFX Script.

  • Google Relaunches Instantiations Tools

    Having acquired Instantations Java tooling arm last month, Google has now released their tools for free via the Google WebToolkit project. This includes the high-quality WindowBuilder Pro, which can create GUIs in SWT, Swing and GWT, as well as GWT Designer for rapid GWT development, CodePro AnalytiX for automated software quality, and WindowTester Pro for automated UI testing.

  • Oracle Fixes Eclipse's Java Problem

    As reported last week, Oracle reacted swiftly to the issues involving the rebranding of the Java 6u21 update. Since then, Oracle have re-spun the Java install, and for Windows machines, the released build is now 1.6.0_21-b07. Oracle should be commended for reacting to, and solving, the problem so quickly.

  • Eclipse and Java 6u21 problems

    Oracle recently released Java 6 update 21 which had a small but innocuous change in the way that the java.dll was created. Unfortunately, this change impacted Eclipse's startup; but a fix is on the way.

  • NetBeans 6.9 Release Supports JavaFX, Java EE6 and OSGi

    Oracle has released version 6.9 of its popular open-source Java IDE, NetBeans. This is the first release under its stewardship since it accquired Sun Microsystems.

  • A Discussion with Josh Bloch on the Future of Java

    Effective Java author and chief Java evangelist at Google Josh Bloch gave a talk at the recent web-based Red Hat Middleware 2020 conference. The thrust of the talk was guarded optimism and concern about the future of the Java platform under Oracle's stewardship. InfoQ spoke to him to find out more about his thinking.

  • WindowTester Pro 5.0 Released

    <p>Instantiations yesterday announced the release of WindowTester Pro 5.0, a major upgrade to its GUI testing tool adding performance and Linux support to its SWT and Swing testing utility. In addition, a minor upgrade to WindowsBuilder Pro 7.4 and RCP Developer 5.0 were also released.</p>

  • Sun Releases Java 6 Update 18 With Significant Performance Improvements and Windows 7 Support

    Sun is updating Java 6 for the first time this year providing fixes for over 300 bugs, plus Windows 7 support, and a significant number of performance improvements. These include a 30%-40% performance gain when using the default Parallel Scavenger garbage collector on machines based on a NUMA architecture with Solaris or Linux as the OS.

  • Google Collections 1.0 Offers Enhanced Implementations of the Java Collections Framework

    The Google Collections Library, version 1.0-final, was released on December 30, 2009. The library – an assortment of enhanced implementations of the Java collections framework - is the culmination of years of work by numerous engineers including Google’s Kevin Bourrillion, Jared Levy, Doug Lea, Josh Bloch, and Bob Lee.

  • Bundle.update: OSGi in Java EE, JSR 294 Marked Inactive

    Since the last bundle.update, a number of interesting events have occurred in the OSGi and modular Java space. JSR 294 has been (automatically) marked as inactive, the Enterprise Expert Group has released draft 4, WebSphere will allow direct running of OSGi applications and upcoming OSGi conferences have early bird discounts and call for speakers finishing soon.