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InfoQ Homepage Lean Startup Content on InfoQ

  • Video Lessons on Agile Coaching and Organizational Change

    Two video lessons covering agile coaching and organizational change were released by Pearson/Addison-Wesley in the last quarter of 2012. They provide a different way to increase knowledge on agile adoption for visual and audible learners.

  • Business Process Improvement Using Agile

    Organizations want to improve their business processes, and today they need to do it faster. Is it possible to use agile methods and techniques for business process improvement?

  • Minimum Viable Products for Enterprises

    Enterprise software startups use a minimum viable product (MVP) to learn about customers with limited effort and money. How can organizations deploy lean startup principles to develop a viable product for their stakeholders?

  • Lean Startup Machine Returns to Toronto

    Lean Startup Machine is returning to Toronto June 8-10. I had an opportunity to chat with Jason Little, who was a member of Hire Shark, which won the previous LSM event in Toronto. Jason is returning as one of the event organizers and mentors.

  • Lean Startup Machine Rumbles into Toronto

    The Lean Startup Machine (LSM) is an intensive workshop where people can learn and experience what it's like to work in a Lean Startup environment. At LSM, teams have to start with an idea and rapidly validate or invalidate their assumptions until they find an audience willing to pay for their product. Recently, LSM came to Toronto...

  • The Lean Startup Frenzy

    Is the Lean Startup movement another fad or a real source of value creation? The implications of the latter are extreme. If Lean Startup is a real way to achieve consistent success in new ventures then Eric Ries may have cracked the code toward persistent venture success and ultimately: wealth creation.

  • The Agile Community Needs to Embrace... Agile Thought Leaders at YOW! Australia 2011

    What is the most important thing that the Agile community needs to embrace in 2012 and beyond? InfoQ had the opportunity to attend the recent YOW! Australia Software Developer Conference and took the opportunity of having such a large number of Agile speakers in one place to sit in on the sessions and ask them their thoughts on this question.

  • The Future of UI/UX in Agile

    Many people who are new to Agile are confused about the place of UI and UX design on Agile teams. Previously many teams have tried keeping the work separate from the team or having the work done one sprint ahead. Recently, there has been more talk about welcoming UI and UX into Agile teams and Lean UX has been at the forefront.