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  • Google Cloud Introduces Media CDN for Content Delivery

    Google Cloud recently announced the general availability of Media CDN, a content delivery network targeted to media and entertainment companies. The streaming platform supports advertising insertion and AI/ML analytics.

  • AWS Details Its Local Zones’ Expansion Disclosing 32 Cities Worldwide

    In December last year, AWS announced the launch of over 30 new AWS Local Zones in significant cities worldwide, however yet not disclosing which cities. The company now announced the completion of its first 16 AWS Local Zones in the U.S. and plans to launch new AWS Local Zones in 32 new metropolitan areas in 26 countries worldwide.

  • Amazon Introduces S3 Batch Replication to Replicate Existing Objects

    Amazon recently introduced Batch Replication for S3, an option to replicate existing objects and synchronize buckets. The new feature is designed for use cases such as disaster recovery setup, reduce latency or transfer ownership of existing data.

  • AWS Announces Further Worldwide Expansion of Local Zones

    AWS Local Zones are an infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services close to a large population and industrial centers. And recently, AWS announced the launch of over 30 new AWS Local Zones in significant cities worldwide.

  • Stream Processing and Lambda Architecture Challenges

    Lambda architecture has been a popular solution that combines batch and stream processing. Kartik Paramasivam at LinkedIn wrote about how his team addressed stream processing and Lambda architecture challenges using Apache Samza for data processing. The challenges described are the late arrival of events and the processing of duplicated messages.

  • Log4j 2.6 Goes Garbage-Free

    Log4j, the popular logging library for Java, will include a number of configuration options that allows it to run in a completely garbage-free manner. The release follows previous attempts to improve the performance of logging libraries, and has been positively received by the industry. Further changes to increase the number of scenarios in which log4j can run garbage-free are expected.

  • Continuous Delivery Challenges in Mobile Development

    Jesper Richter-Reichhelm, Head of Engineering at Wooga, spoke at GOTO Amsterdam 2014 about some of the challenges teams face developing mobile games with a continuous delivery mindset. In particular Jesper stressed how lack of control over the software delivery process on mobile nearly crashed their business.

  • Unsafe at any Speed; Oracle Surveys community about promoting sun.misc.Unsafe

    Oracle software engineer Paul Sandoz is asking the public to weigh in on the controversial library sun.misc.Unsafe by responding to a Survey Monkey survey. The debate centers around whether Unsafe, under scrutiny due to its divergence from the Java credo of safe memory management, should be mainstreamed.