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InfoQ Homepage Memory Content on InfoQ

  • Review: Continous Performance Management

    Steven Haines from Quest has published an article demonstrating the use of performance analysis tools in the continuous build cycle as best practice and makes some thought provoking points about the cost of not doing so.

  • Find Memory Leaks in Your Rails Application with BleakHouse

    Performance is a major issue for some Rails application. BleakHouse is a plugin that helps you find memory leaks, without using Ruby's ObjectSpace introspection.

  • .NET Memory Leaks

    A problem with .NET that isn't talked about is the problems caused by using dynamic code generation. In a nut shell, dynamic code generation, which is used in XML Serialization, Regular Expressions, and XSLT transformations, can lead to memory leaks.

  • A Rails memory leak profiling solution

    Scott Laird was dealing with the difficulties of finding memory leaks in his Rails apps and came up with solution. Scott put the code for his solution up on his blog, respondents have already called it an essential tools they'll use on their projects going forward, and Scott promised to package it up as a plugin eventually.