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  • MongoGraph Brings Semantic Web Features to MongoDB Developers

    MongoGraph from AllegroGraph brings semantic web features to MongoDB developers. They implemented a MongoDB interface to AllegroGraph database to give Javascript programmers both joins and the semantic web capabilities. InfoQ spoke with AllegoGraph CEO Jans Aasman about this new approach and how it helps the NoSQL developers.

  • VMware's CloudFoundry Service Gains Support for PostgreSQL

    VMware is adding support for PostgreSQL to CloudFoundry, it's open source PAAS solution.

  • MongoDB’s Reliability Questioned

    Recently there have been two fairly high profile field reports on MongoDB that show it in a very unfavorable light. The majority of the criticism centers on a combination of performance problems and data loss.

  • MongoDB 1.8 Improves Reliability with Journaling

    MongoDB's new journaling feature improves reliability with write-ahead redo logs. Log entries are written before permanent storage is updated. When a server restarts after a crash outstanding journal files will be replayed before the server goes online. Other changes include sharding performance boosts, shell tab completion, and the addition of covering and sparse indexes.

  • Foursquare's MongoDB Outage

    Foursquare recently suffered a total site outage for eleven hours. The outage was caused by unexpected uneven growth in their MongoDB database that their monitoring didn't detect. The system outage was prolonged when an attempt to add a partition didn't work due to fragmentation, and required taking the database offline to compact it. Learn what happened and what responses are planned.

  • Four NoSQL Add-ons available for Heroku Users

    The first four NoSQL datastores are available as Add-ons for the Heroku PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platform. Using the Add-on system that was introduced in October 2009, CouchDB from Cloudant, Membase from NorthScale, MongoDB from MongoHQ and Redis were made available for Heroku users.

  • RubyConf China: NoSQL, Rails, and Matz on Ruby 2.0

    The 2nd annual RubyConf China, this year in Shanghai, China, featured Ruby creator Matz who talked about Ruby Community and Ruby 2.0. InfoQ takes a look at the other talks and what tools and databases Ruby developers in and around China use.