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  • Benchmarking Netflix Dynomite with Redis on AWS

    Last year, Netflix Cloud Database Engineering (CDE) team introduced Dynomite. Dynomite is a proxy layer, aiming to turn any non-distributed database into a sharded, multi-region replication aware distributed database system. Now Netflix released a benchmark using Dynomite with Redis in AWS infrastructure.

  • Structure 2015 - State of the Cloud and Container Ecosystems

    Rising from the ashes of GigaOm the tribal gathering of cloud elders that is Structure has returned, and got off to a strong start with Battery Ventures' Adrian Cockcroft presenting on the State of the Cloud and Container Ecosystems. Cockcroft paid particular attention to the impact of containers, which wasn’t even a major discussion topic at the last Structure conference in 2013.

  • Daniel Jacobson on Ephemeral APIs and Continuous Innovation at Netflix

    InfoQ had the opportunity to interview Daniel Jacobson about ephemeral APIs, their link to experience-based APIs and when to consider them. He also explains why generic resource-based API architectures can run into problems at scale and why he doesn’t use an API descriptor language. Finally, he describes the various tools they built to deliver those APIs including Falcor, Scryer or Nicobar.

  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry Adds Netflix OSS Services, Docker Support

    Today, Pivotal announced an update to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), the commercial version of a popular open-source platform for building, deploying, and running cloud-native applications. This 1.6 release gives developers native access to a subset of Spring Cloud’s Netflix OSS services, built-in support for .NET applications, beta support for Docker images, and integrated ALM tools.

  • Netflix’ Principles of Chaos Engineering

    Based on their experience with arbitrarily shutting down servers or simulating the shutdown of an entire data center in production, Netflix has proposed a number of principles of chaos engineering.

  • Getting JSON Data with Netflix Falcor

    Netflix has open sourced Falcor, a JavaScript library offering a model and asynchronous mechanism for fetching JSON data from multiple sources.

  • Building 'Failure as a Service' at Netflix without the Simian Army

    At QCon New York 2015, Kolton Andrus discussed Netflix’s Failure Injection Testing (FIT) platform, which allows the injection and monitoring of arbitrary failure scenarios to a targeted group of customers using the Netflix production web services. FIT allows Netflix to maintain an ‘antifragile’ programming culture, which results in the creation of systems that are resilient to failure.

  • Netflix's FIDO Guards Against Security Incidents

    The Netflix team has released FIDO -- an open source system for automatically analysing security events. Not to be confused with FIDO Alliance, Netflix's platform stands for Fully Integrated Defense Operation, the platform's Github describes FIDO as "an orchestration layer used to automate the incident response process by evaluating, assessing and responding to malware."

  • Adrian Cockcroft: Microservices Revisited

    Recently Adrian Cockcroft gave an interview to ActiveState's John Wetherill about microservices. In it he talks about how polyglot fits into microservices and the impact on him when he head that companies such as Target and Macy's, as well as Homeland Security had adopted that architectural approach.

  • Atlas: Netflix's Primary Telemetry Platform

    Netflix has open sourced Atlas, part of their next-generation monitoring platform they have been working on since early 2012. The company developed Atlas to store time series data in order to provide near real-time operational insight to teams.

  • Prana: A Sidecar Application for NetflixOSS-based Services

    Netflix has released Prana, an open-source "sidecar" application the company developed to allow heterogeneous microservice applications to use the NetflixOSS JVM-based platform support libraries.

  • Netflix Releases Open Source Message Security Layer

    Netflix have announced the release of the Message Security Layer protocol (MSL), which they describe as ‘A Modern Take on Securing Communication’. The project is available on github under the Apache 2.0 license, with implementations in Java and JavaScript.

  • How Netflix Handled the Reboot of 218 Cassandra Nodes

    Amazon performed a major maintenance update at the end of September in order to patch a security vulnerability in a Xen hypervisor affecting about 10% of their global fleet of cloud servers. This update involved the rebooting of those servers, with consequences for AWS users and the services they provide, including one of their largest clients, Netflix.

  • Netflix's Chaos Engineering to Advance Failure Injection

    "Chaos Engineering", a term recently coined by Netflix, is an umbrella that embraces all Netflix's activities on controlled failure injection. Bruce Wong, Engineering Manager of Chaos Engineering at Netflix, wrote about what Chaos Engineering is, its aims, and the roadmap to achieve them. InfoQ reached Bruce to learn more.

  • Cassandra Gains Momentum On Enterprise Adoption Around 2.1 Release

    Cassandra is rapidly heading towards 2.1 release, with 2.1.0-beta1 already available for evaluation. We take a look at major features introduced in the latest major release and what's coming up. Supported by DataStax, Cassandra is expanding its reach towards the enterprise world. DataStax recently announced a partner network program, Patrick McFadin called out on MongoDB's scaling issues and other