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  • Security Vulnerabilities in Amazon and Eucalyptus

    A recent paper published by researchers in Germany reveals multiple security vulnerabilities in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Eucalyptus's SOAP and web interfaces. The flaws are related to architectural choices which impacts multiple users and the overall cloud security.

  • SoapUI and LoadUI Join the SmartBear Product Portfolio

    SmartBear Software, a prominent ALM and monitoring tool vendor acquired Eviware, creators of popular open source web services testing tools soapui and loadui, last week.

  • SOA Software Releases Atmosphere: an API Management Portal

    SOA Software entered the API management portal market with their release of the Atmosphere portal. The Atmosphere platform ensures security, robustness and availability of enterprise APIs over the right range of interface types. In this article we delve into the reason behind the evolution from enterprise SOA and cloud governance to API management and other technical details around the offering.

  • Yet More Trouble with REST APIs?

    George Reese, writing recently on his and Adrian Cole's experiences on using REST and SOAP APIs for developing Cloud applications, caused quite a stir in the community. What started as hints-and-tips has turned into a debate over whether there are real problems and misunderstandings around developing APIs with REST, irrespective of Cloud?

  • Is REST Successful in the Enterprise?

    Some might prematurely conclude that REST has won based on Programmable Web data: 73% of the APIs are RESTful. But Steve Jones, a SOA practitioner, draws attention that those APIs are used by front-end systems doing data aggregation and not by the majority of enterprise systems, and REST is not yet ready for the enterprise.

  • Who Belongs to the 2011 Open APIs Billionaires Club?

    The growth of Open APIs both in numbers and volume has surpassed any expectations over the last decade. John Musser from the ProgrammableWeb presented his analysis of the Open APIs State of the Market for 2011.

  • SOAP Over Java Messaging Service

    W3C has just released Candidate Recommendation SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0, defining how SOAP should bind to a messaging system that supports the Java Message Service (JMS).

  • A Comparison of JAX-RS Implementations

    The JAX-RS world now has at least 4 different implementations to choose from. But which is the best? Is that a valid question to ask at all? Well Solomon Duskis has set out to try to answer the question as best he can but comparing and contrasting the leading lights in this area.

  • SOAP Stack an Embarrassing Failure?

    The debate over REST vs. SOAP is really an age-old one. However it fired up again over a recent remark by XML guru Tim Bray that SOAP stack is an embarrassing failure.

  • Article: Rationalizing the presentation tier

    Thin client paradigm characterized by web applications is a kludge that needs to be repudiated. Old compromises are no longer needed and it’s time to move the presentation tier to where it belongs. In this article, Ganesh Prasad and Peter Svensson explains how and why.

  • SAAJ - Fine in Theory, Broken in Practice?

    In a blog entry, Spring Web Services lead developer Arjen Poutsma discusses the sad state of various SAAJ implementations in major application servers.

  • Interview: Pete Lacey on REST and Web Services

    In this interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco, (then) Burton Group consultant Pete Lacey talks to Stefan Tilkov about the reasons for his disillusionment with SOAP, describes the ideas behind REST, and addresses some of its perceived shortcomings. Finally, he discusses cases where SOAP/WS-* or RESTful HTTP might be more appropriate.

  • New Options for .NET-Java Web Services Interoperability

    When it comes to web services interoperability between .NET and Java, the choice used to be limited to SOAP over HTTP. Two new options recently became available in this area: WebSphere MQ (WMQ) and ActiveMQ transports can now be used for building interoperable web services between Java and .NET.

  • The Apache Incubator CXF team announced the availability of the 2.0.4 release

    CXF is a fully featured Open Source Web Services Framework which people claim is easy to use and is industrial strength. CXF is also embeddable and people have used it often in combination with Spring. CXF is the combination of the Celtix and XFire communities coming together at Apache.

  • Presentation: Jim Webber on "Guerilla SOA"

    In one of the most entertaining presentations on the topic ever, Dr. Jim Webber debunks myths about the mainstream ESB concept and explains how a lightweight approach can yield real benefits without giving in to vendor pressure. Jim claims that an ESB often ends up being just a thin veneer on an existing mess, and how an approach that doesn't put intelligence into the network is superior.