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  • How Testers Can Become More Technical

    Testers who are able to successfully apply technical techniques of the testing craft during testing are more valuable; they increase both the quality and productivity of their teams. To become more technical, testers can learn something about code, and they should know how to manipulate and parse text files and how to use the most important analysis tools for their application platform.

  • QConSF - Creating Awesome Teams

    Alexandre Freire’s QConSF session focused on Modern Agile’s framework and suggested ways to implement them within an organization. He emphasized that the underlying culture must support these practices, or the practices will be forced and not lead to creating awesome teams.

  • Anti-Patterns of Agile Leaders

    Regina Martins talked about anti-patterns of agile leaders at the Agile Practitioners 2016 conference. InfoQ interviewed her about what makes leadership important for agile, the key attributes that can make somebody a great leader, examples of leadership behaviour that hinder agile teams and how to deal with them, and asked her to share stories of great leadership.

  • Leadership Fit for the 21st Century: Empowering People is Impossible

    This second post in the series on leadership fit for the 21st century covers the talk given by Jenni Jepsen from goAgile in which she explains that we cannot empower people, and provides ideas for creating an organization where people feel empowered.

  • C++ Core Guidelines will Help Writing Good Modern C++

    As announced at CppCon, Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter have started working on a set of guidelines for modern C++. The goal of this effort is improving how developers use the language and help ensuring they write code that is type safe, has no resource leaks, and is as much as possible free of programming logic errors.

  • Using Pairing for Experimenting in Presentations

    In the closing keynote of the Agile Eastern Europe 2015 conference Yves Hanoulle did an experiment together with his son Joppe in pair presenting. InfoQ interviewed Joppe and Yves Hanoulle about doing experiments, checking the safety of the environment and ways to make it safer, learning from failure, and presenting in pairs at conferences.

  • Step by Step Improvement Needs Relative Safety

    At the OOP 2015 conference Colin Hood talked about bridging the gap between requirements engineering process definition and successful iterative roll-out. He presented how the introduction of improvements to requirements engineering can be done better when done step by step, and how relative safety is needed to enable people to take the steps.

  • Systems Thinking for Safety Keynote @ Velocity Conf

    The starting keynote at Velocity Conference Europe 2014 was all about how human error is too often the easiest way to explain away a failure and how a different approach is needed. Steven Shorrock, European Safety Culture Programme Leader at Eurocontrol, explained why a Systems Thinking approach applied to safety is a better answer.

  • Testing Machine to Machine Systems

    Devices are becoming increasingly interconnected through the internet where they are communicating directly with each other. Testing such machine to machine (M2M) systems can be difficult due to their complexity and the usage of different platforms, as Peter Varhol explained in his talk about testing in the M2M world at the QA&Test 2014 conference.

  • Cooperation between European Space Agency and Lero

    As announced on 18th August 2011, the Irish Software Engineering Research Center (Lero) has signed a €300.000 contract for a research project with the European Space Agency (ESA). Goal of the research activities is to provide a solution framework for future space missions.