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InfoQ Homepage Transactions Processing Content on InfoQ

  • WS-TX as an OASIS standard

    OASIS approves the Web Services Transactions committee specifications as a new standard and the TC co-chair blogs about its history.

  • OASIS WS-Transaction (almost) a standard

    The OASIS WS-TX technical committee held a face-to-face meeting last week at IBM Hursely. This is likely the last such meeting prior to final standardisation of WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity.

  • Spring: unifying themes and complete tour

    At The Spring Experience this past weekend, Adrian Colyer keynoted an overview of the unifying themes of Spring and what all the capabilities of the Spring portfolio are. Rod Johnson also weighed in on a debate countering that there is no "not invented here" syndrome at Spring by explaining that Spring only goes as deep as it needs to considering what's already available.

  • Rod Johnson: 2006 the year Spring became Ubiquitous

    Rod Johnson kicked off the opening keynote of The Spring Experience conference declaring that 2006 was year Spring became ubiquitous. Rod cited a number of notable large scale Spring deployments, and also reviewed the events that drove Spring adoption in 2006.

  • Spring 2 Final Released - Downloads overload servers

    Spring 2 final has gone live. Soon after the release their servers became unavailable due to all the downloads. :) Spring 2 final is the much awaited release with new the new simplified and extensible XML configuration, AOP enhancements and AspectJ integration, asynchronous JMS, first class JPA support, dynamic language support, OSGi, portlet support and MVC enhancements.

  • Spring 2 Video Interview with Juergen Hoeller and Rob Harrop

    Spring core developers Rob Harrob and Juergen Hoeller talk about what, why, and how of the new features in Spring 2, including XML configuration, custom tags, AspectJ integration, and migrating to Spring 2. The interview also discusses how to use Spring on large scale projects, common pitfalls with using Spring, and Spring MVC vs. other frameworks.

  • H2 1.0 Database by Hypersonic Creator is Out

    HSQLDB creator Thomas Mueller has released 1.0 final of H2, his pure Java database successor to HSQLDB. H2's focus is to be best database for the lower end (low number of concurrent connections, embedded usage). InfoQ spoke to H2 creator Thomas Mueller to find out more.

  • Refactoring the EJB APIs

    Artima has interviewed EJB 3 spec lead Linda DeMichiel on how EJB was refactored for simplicty between EJB 2 and EJB 3, including three separate spec documents, simplifying EJB interfaces, annotations and when to use them, and dependency injection.

  • Book: Java Transaction Design Strategies Published

    InfoQ's first book, Java Transaction Design Strategies has been published! The book is available for free download and the published print version is available for $22.95. Written by IBM architect and nofluff speaker Mark Richards, the book is one of the very few works on transactions, and definitely one of the most practical.

  • H2 Database by Hypersonic Creator Nearing 1.0

    HSQLDB creator Thomas Mueller recently released the v0.9 of H2, his pure Java database successor to HSQLDB. H2 benchmarks significantly faster than HSQLDB, supports JDBC and ODBC, supports XA, can be clustered for HA and supports encryption.

  • Pitchfork: EJB 3 Interception & Injection to WebLogic using Spring

    Spring 2.0 is now being used by BEA to provide EJB 3 dependency injection and interception, the result of Pitchfork, a new Spring add-on project by BEA and Interface21 that allows Spring to provide JSR 250 dependency injection and EJB style interception. WebLogic users can also use additional Spring features over the EJB spec, and Pitchfork may be used by other Java EE servers in the future.

  • Article: A History of Extended Transactions

    ACID transactions don't work for long-lived use cases. This article documents historic approaches taken in the CORBA and J2EE communities toward extended transactions, how SOA is a more natural fit, and why WS-TX & WS-CAF may finally hold the answer.