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InfoQ Homepage Web API Content on InfoQ

  • From Doodles to Delivery: An API Design Process

    Having a basic understanding of web based applications is a good foundation for designing a working Web API. But, if you want to create a good API you need a lot more than that. Designing a good API is hard work and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it’s your job to make one.

  • Description, Discovery, and Profiles: A Primer

    While the process of implementing Web APIs has become common, the tooling for describing, discovering, and understanding the meaning of the tens of thousands of API-based services has yet to settle into a widely-accepted set of standards. There is still quite a bit of opportunity when it comes to defining and implementing tools around the "meta-level" of APIs.

  • Service-Oriented Architecture and Legacy Systems

    In this article, authors provide an overview of current SOA technologies and how to evolve in legacy environments. They also discuss the topics of SOAP vs. REST web services, Enterprise Application Integration and incremental transition to SOA in legacy environments.

  • REST-y Reader

    Rounding out our first Web APIs series Mike shares books he recommends for those who want to learn more about designing, implementing, and maintaining APIs for the Web.

  • Roy Fielding on Versioning, Hypermedia, and REST

    Roy Fielding talks to Mike Amundsen about versioning on the Web, why hypermedia is a requirement in his REST style, the process of designing network software that can adapt over time, and the challenge of thinking at the scale of decades.

  • Implementing Hypermedia

    In this article, we'll talk about four different real-world implementations of hypermedia: how you may already be using hypermedia through image links, how GitHub uses the Link header for pagination, using hypermedia in constrained systems like iOS, and how Balanced uses hypermedia principles to build their product.

  • A Web API Design Methodology

    This article provides a brief overview of the design methodology covered in the book "RESTful Web APIs" by Richardson and Amundsen.

  • Making the Case for an API Roadmap

    Chris Haddad explains why one should create a roadmap for an API, providing advice on avoiding common API pitfalls, creating business value and monetizing API assets.

  • An Interview with HAL Creator Mike Kelly

    As part of our ongoing series on Web APIs Mike Amundsen talks to Mike Kelly about his reasons for creating HAL and his experiences over the last three years with web developers and the API community.

  • A Business Perspective on APIs

    This article, the first of a new series, examines APIs from a business perspective, whether or not they are open and overtly monetized. It covers the importance of tying your APIs back to your business value, looks at the type of data that should be used, and studies the success stories of Amazon and Twilio.

  • Article Series: Web APIs: From Start to Finish

    This series takes the reader on a journey from determining the business case for APIs to a design methodology, meeting implementation challenges, and taking the long view on maintaining public APIs on the Web over time. Along the way there are interviews with influential individuals and even a suggested reading list on APIs and related topics.

  • Sam Newman: Practical Implications of Microservices in 14 Tips

    What are the practical concerns associated with running microservice systems? And what you need to know to embrace the power of smaller services without making things too hard? At last GeeCon 2014 in Krakow, Sam Newman tried to answer those questions by giving 14 tips about how microservices can interface, how the can be monitored, deployed, and made safer.