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InfoQ Homepage XML Content on InfoQ

  • OpenXML Spreadsheet Formulas Called into Question

    Rob Weir has called the spreadsheet formulas into question. Lost in the posturing and grandstanding are some serious holes in the specification.

  • XQuery Java API JSR 225 Available for Public Review

    The first public review draft of JSR 225: XQuery API for Java has been posted for review. The spec (being led by Oracle) aims to provide ubiquitous programmatic access for XQuery implementations in Java.

  • Presentation: Rod Smith - Mash-ups Meet the Enterprise

    In this presentation recorded at JAOO, IBM's Rod Smith discusses the read/write web, and discusses how the approach known as "Mashups" might be used in enterprise scenarios for "do-it-yourself" IT.

  • APP vs. Web3S: the Quest for a RESTful Protocol

    In contrast to Google, who base their public RESTful services on the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP), Microsoft has found the need to go down a different route and has introduced Web3S.

  • Java and .NET Libraries for Open XML

    With the new OpenXML format, there is the promise of an clean and efficient way to manipulate Office documents via XML. But with a 6000+ page spec, finding the exact nodes one needs to manipulate is a non-trivial task. To address this, OpenXML libraries for both Java and .NET are in the works.

  • Article: Unit-Testing XML

    In this exclusive InfoQ article, Stefan Bodewig explains how to use the XMLUnit Java framework to write tests in the presence of XML.

  • The Microsoft OBA Framework

    Microsoft has been touting a new way to build composite applications using the acronym, “OBA”. The intended sweet spot for OBA is within the Lines of Business within the greater Enterprise cloud. The OBA framework capitalizes on the large number of Microsoft Office licenses that have been sold world-wide.

  • Google GData/Atom Publishing Protocol too limited for Microsoft

    Dara Obasanjo writes about the limitations of the Google Data API (Google's implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol with some extensions) as a general purpose protocol and explains why Microsoft will not support or standardize on GData.

  • W3C Workshop on Web of Services Report

    The W3C has released a report about the results of the Workshop on the Web of Services for Enterprise Computing, which was held in February.

  • Article: Using Java to Crack Office 2007

    Office file manipulation used to be difficult, but since Office 2007, Word, Excel and Powerpoint files can be read and written without anything more complicated than the native JDK itself because Office 2007 documents are now nothing more than ZIP files of XML documents. Ted Neward demonstrates this in action.

  • 14 Ruby projects accepted for Google Summer of Code

    14 Ruby projects were accepted for the Google Summer of Code bounty program. The projects range from a debugger for Rails, to a project writing an RSpec specification for Ruby, to protocol implementations using EventMachine and Ragel, and more.

  • Choosing Patterns over Abstractions: Streaming XML

    Due to its structure, XML does not naturally stream well. Microsoft’s XML Team researched several different APIs in an attempt to abstract away the complexity. In the end, they choose to give up on abstract APIs and instead demonstrate some coding patterns to accomplish the same goal.

  • Interview: Frank Cohen on FastSOA

    InfoQ today publishes a one-chapter excerpt from Frank Cohen's book "FastSOA". On this occasion, InfoQ had a chance to talk to Frank Cohen, creator of the FastSOA methodology, about the issues when trying to process XML messages, scalability, using XQuery in the middle tier, and document-object-relational-mapping.

  • Five Orcas Short Demos

    Microsoft's Data blog has five short demos on Orcas and post-Orcas features for editing XML files and XSD files, debugging XSLT, and working with Entity Data Models (EDM).

  • WCF Messaging Fundamentals

    Aaron Skonnard has published an article about WCF Messaging Fundamentals in the current issue of the MSDN Magazine. He provides an overview of WCF's messaging layer, improvements in the System.Xml namespace as well as guidance on working with messages and message representations.