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  • Apache Tuscany Java 1.1 Released: SCA Meets Web 2.0

    The Apache Tuscany team announced today the 1.1 release of the Java SCA project which adds a number of features including a JMS binding or improved policy support. It also supports an implementation extension for representing client side Javascript applications as SCA components which makes SCA a viable technology to simplify Ajax style implementations using JSONRPC or Atom bindings for instance.

  • The Apache Incubator CXF team announced the availability of the 2.0.4 release

    CXF is a fully featured Open Source Web Services Framework which people claim is easy to use and is industrial strength. CXF is also embeddable and people have used it often in combination with Spring. CXF is the combination of the Celtix and XFire communities coming together at Apache.

  • Is XMPP the Future of Cloud Services?

    The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) has proven itself as a winner for instant messaging, but could it also be the protocol of choice for service integration in the future?

  • Post-VS 2008-Technology: LINQ to XSD and LINQ to Stored XML

    Today, Shyam Pather, Principal Development Lead on the Data Programmability Team at Microsoft, is giving a presentation on LINQ to XML: Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight, and Beyond at the XML 2007 Conference in Boston. He talks about the current and future technologies surrounding LINQ to XML.

  • 7 Degrees of SOA Coupling

    In a recent posting, ZapThink analyst Ron Schmelzer tackles the belief that a system is either loosely-coupled, or it isn’t. Although the importance of loose-coupling has been known for some time, the dialogue around this post has garnered some interesting discussion.

  • Data Services in SOA: Issues and Possible Solutions

    Data Services are increasingly generating interest in Service Oriented Architectures. David Webber wrote an article detailing some of the difficulties to define contracts for AWS and some of the solutions using the Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM).

  • Should you be using RELAX-NG?

    10 reasons to consider using RELAX-NG in place of W3C XML Schemas as your XML schema language.

  • Article: Open Source WS Stacks for Java - Design Goals and Philosophy

    InfoQ's Stefan Tilkov questioned lead developers of Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Spring Web Services, JBossWS and and Sun’s Metro about their design goals, their approach towards Java and Web services standards, data binding, accessing XML, interoperability, REST support, and framework maturity. The results revealed many similarities and some noteworthy differences.

  • MSXML 4 is Not Going to be Disabled

    Back in March we reported that Microsoft was going to "killbit" MSXML 4. Due to its wide use and a lack of a suitable replacement, they have rescinded that decision.

  • OOXML has been Rejected as an ISO Standard

    Microsoft's attempt to officially standardize the Office Open XML Format (OOXML) by the ISO-Standards ISO/IEC DIS 29500 has failed. National standard bodies have been asked to give their vote on OOXML by September 2.

  • Presentation: Scott Davis on Real World Web Services

    In this presentation, recorded at the No Fluff Just Stuff Symposium, Scott Davis provides a pragmatic, down-to-earth introduction to Web services as used in the real world by public sites, including SOAP-based, REST and POX-style examples. While the buzzword density leaves nothing to be desired, the presentation contains a very accessible introduction to the core Web services standards.

  • XML Schema Designer for Visual Studio 2008

    The XML Schema Designer is a graphical tool for working with XML Schemas (XSD). It is integrated with Visual Studio 2008 and the XML Editor.

  • W3C Publishes an Update to Guide to Versioning XML Schema 1.1

    The W3C published last month an update to its "Guide to Versioning XML Languages Using new XML Schema 1.1 features" which details the new features of XML Schema 1.1 in the context of schema versioning. They represent real advances for web service practitioners and should become part of your guidelines and best practices when the W3C releases XML Schema 1.1.

  • Using LINQ to XML Instead of XSLT for Transformations

    Transforming XML from one format to another is a common task for many developers. To do this, most of them leave the confines of their general purpose language and make calls to an XSLT library. But what if they didn't have to? With LINQ to XML, it now becomes much easier to manipulate XML using C# and VB. Eric White describes how one can perform XSLT style transformations using C# 3.0.

  • W3C Efficient XML Interchange format draft published

    The W3C has recently announced the first public draft for the Efficient XML Interchange Format which is a suggestion for compressing XML to increase the efficiency on the wire and on CPUs. As can be expected it didn't take too long before we started to see some criticism of this new standard...Yes, another debate on binary XML is on its way.