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InfoQ Homepage Agile Test Content on InfoQ

  • Why Testing Matters in Agile Projects

    Agile is changing the way we work together and the work that is done. Many think that the role of testing is dead, but I think it is growing and turning into an even better, rounder, more effective testing. The role of Testing will powerfully help redefine the way things are done and the order in which they are done for best results in agile.

  • Interview and Book Review: How Google Tests Software

    "How Google Tests Software" by James Whittaker, Jason Arbon and Jeff Carollo is a book that details exactly what is described on the cover. It is an informative and interesting look beneath the covers of how a large technical organization like Google deals with the complexity of software testing.

  • Test automation and Continuous Delivery

    This article shows how automating certain programmable aspects of a test suite can help software delivery. Covered are automated testing, costs per deployment, tests as documentation & manual testing.