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InfoQ Homepage Business Process Management Content on InfoQ

  • Blockchain and Smart Contracts in a Business Process

    Buying something through an internet portal, for example a car, normally involves two parties who don’t trust each other; a buyer and a seller. The portal is just a broker so either the buyer must transfer money before getting the ordered item, or the seller must send the item before getting the money. To overcome this lack of mutual trust, Bernd Rücker claims that a blockchain can be used.

  • RockScript: An Open Source Scripting Language and Engine for Microservice Orchestration

    Tom Baeyens has released a preview of RockScript, an open source scripting language and engine for integrating and orchestrating microservices. RockScript uses a language that looks much like JavaScript, which when executed by the accompanying engine allows the coordination of transactional activities within microservice systems in a similar fashion to Business Process Modelling (BPM).

  • Process Managers in Event-Based Systems

    Publishing events to notify about changes in a domain keeps different domains decoupled from each other, but if there really is a logical flow of events it becomes implicit and hard to follow. A better solution is to use a Process Manager to keep track of the overall process, Bernd Rücker stated in his presentation at this year’s DDD eXchange conference.

  • Microsoft Adds Team and LUIS Support for Flow

    Microsoft has recently announced changes to its cloud workflow service, Flow, to enable teams to contribute and manage flows centrally. This new sharing capability is also available to SaaS and custom API Connectors. In addition to these collaboration features, Microsoft has also announced support for Gmail connectivity and integration with additional Microsoft Cognitive Services APIs.

  • Apache Eagle, Originally from eBay, Graduates to top-level project

    Apache Eagle, an open-source solution for identifying security and performance issues on big data platforms, graduates to Apache top level project on January 10, 2017. Firstly open-sourced by eBay on October 2015, Eagle was created to instantly detect access to sensitive data or malicious activities and, to take actions in a timely fashion.

  • Microsoft Flow Reaches General Availability

    Microsoft recently announced the General Availability of Microsoft Flow, a cloud-based automation platform that provides workflow and connectivity capabilities across many popular online and on-premises services. Since the preview, in April 2016, 117,000 people from 61,000 organizations have used the service to automate their business processes.

  • Software Developers Use Domain Driven Design to Drive Business

    Increasingly, software developers have the ability to not only maintain and architect code, but extend their expertise to providing direction to the business. By using domain driven design, developers can discover customer behaviors and recommend practices that change the nature of the business.

  • Stop Over-Engineering, Build What the Customer Really Needs

    After working with many different teams, Greg Young has found that they often are drastically over-engineeringing in their projects. Teams start to work on 9 month projects, but by thinking on the problem from another perspective they may be able to deliver 95% of the value in just a few weeks, Young claimed in his keynote at the recent DDD eXchange conference in London.

  • Microsoft Introduces Flow for Citizen Cloud Workflow

    On April 27, 2016 Microsoft announced a new personal workflow tool called Flow. The platform is an “IFTTT like” tool that focuses on the automation of personal tasks by orchestrating work across popular SaaS based services.

  • AirFlow Joins Apache Incubator

    AirFlow recently joined the Apache Incubator program. AirFlow is a workflow and scheduling system designed to manage data pipelines. Developed by AirBnb for their internal usage, it was open sourced last September, as previously reported by InfoQ.

  • WSO2 Extends its Internet of Things Process Orchestration Capabilities

    Open-source middleware vender WSO2 announced new capabilities in its platform for managing Internet of Things (IoT) applications and processing IoT data. The enhancements include support of MQTT (a lightweight M2M/IoT publish/subscribe connectivity protocol), the Activiti business process management (BPM) platform, and the Open Data OData 4.0 protocol.

  • IT Hosting with Kanban: A Case Study from an Insurance Company

    Odile Moreau presented a case study of a big insurance company who started their Agile journey with Kanban for IT Hosting teams at the Lean Kanban Benelux 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed her about the situation at the insurance company, what made them decide to choose Kanban, how teams use Kanban to manage flow and coordinate, and asked her to share learnings from this Kanban journey.

  • Introducing Reactive Streams

    Modern software increasingly operates on data in near real-time. There is business value in sub-second responses to changing information and stream processing is one way to help turn data into knowledge as fast as possible, Kevin Webber explains in an introduction to Reactive Streams.

  • Effektif Open Sources BPM Software with an Emphasis on Developers

    Business process management software provider Effektif today announced the open sourcing of their workflow engine. The new model allows developers to include Effektif workflows from within their applications via Java and REST APIs

  • Google Cloud SQL now Generally Available

    Google have announced general availability of their Cloud SQL service. At launch the service comes with automatic encryption of customer data, a 99.95% uptime SLA and support for databases up to 500GB in size.