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InfoQ Homepage Code Generation Content on InfoQ

  • Source Generators Will Enable Compile-Time Metaprogramming in C# 9

    Source generators are a new feature of the C# compiler that enables inspecting user code using compiler-generated metadata and generating additional source files to be compiled along with the rest of the program.

  • Designing Microservice Architectures the Right Way: Michael Bryzek's Lessons Learned at QCon NY

    At QCon New York 2018, Michael Bryzek discussed how to design microservice architectures “the right way”. Key takeaways included: engineers should design schema first for all APIs and events, as this allows the automated code generation of boilerplate code; and investment should be made in automation, such as deployment and dependency management.

  • How No and Low Code Approaches Support Business Users and Professional Developers

    No code approaches aim to support business users in developing and maintaining their own applications, where low code simplifies the developer’s work and makes them more productive. Both approaches enable faster development at lower costs. As the distinction between these approaches is becoming smaller, business users and developers can team up and use them together.

  • Atomist Launches Alpha Programme

    Atomist has launched an Alpha Programme for those who want to try out Rug, the company’s meta-meta-programming language. Rug is used to automate the development workflow by generating repetitive or boilerplate code, and is orchestrated by Atomist. Rug aims to improve productivity when working with distributed systems such as microservices.

  • PaintCode 3 Now Supports Swift 3 and Android Code Generation

    PaintCode is a design and development tool running on macOS that is capable of generating code from vector drawings. Its latest version, PaintCode 3, brings support for Swift 3, Android, and JavaScript canvas.

  • Using Models in Developing Software for Self-Driving Cars

    Models play an important role in developing software for autonomous systems like self-driving cars; they are used to simulate and verify behavior, document the system, and generate code. Jonathan Sprinkle explains how to model software used in autonomous systems, the benefits of modeling, using test data to validate the software that drives a car and techniques for writing reliable code.

  • Interview with Form.IO: API Creation Using Web Forms

    <> is an open source platform that enables front end developers to autonomously build backend APIs using forms to drive their apps. The platform provides a single solution for creating both APIs and user interfaces for consumption by a front end javascript framework. InfoQ spoke with the founders of <> to learn more about the platform capabilities and the future they envision for it.

  • Model-based Migration Approach for Maintenance of Legacy Software

    Hans van Wezep, software architect at Philips Healthcare, talked about model-based migration at the Bits&Chips Software Engineering conference. InfoQ did an interview with van Wezep about the challenges in maintaining legacy software, why manual refactoring is error prone, using models to refactor and migrate a codebase, and the benefits of using models when maintaining legacy software.

  • Testing Impact of Model Driven Development

    By using Model Driven Development component tests could be skipped and integration and system testing went a lot smoother, said Bryan Bakker in the presentation Model Driven Development (MDD) and its impact on testing. Main results from the MDD approach are a reduction of the amount of testing and increased reliability of the code that was generated from a mathematical model.

  • Create Your Own Scaffold in Visual Studio 2013.2

    An important part of ASP.NET MVC is the set of code generators called scaffolds. Inspired by Ruby on Rails, these code generators can be used to quickly create controllers and views based on a model class. New in VS 2013 Update 2 is the ability to create your own scaffolds that plug into the overall framework.

  • Dependency Injection, Debugging added to T4 for Visual Studio 2012

    There are quite a few improvements added to Visual Studio’s T4 system for Visual Studio 2012. The highlights include MEF support for deploying directive processors and easier debugging.

  • Using Eclipse Xtext to Simplify Mobile Application Development

    Daniel Schneller illustrates how his team used Xtext to create a textual-DSL that models the navigation paths of mobile applications and generate Java code from it. He provides a step by step tutorial and discusses the advantages of such an approach.

  • Multiple Output Files using T4

    T4 is Visual Studio’s built-in code generator. Though fundamental for many of the frameworks built atop .NET, it is incredibly under-powered. Even the simplest things like intelligently reusing templates or emitting multiple files seem beyond it at first glance. Yet developers such as Damien Guard are finding of ways to improve it.

  • Role of Code Generation in Java Application Development

    With the recent release of code generation tools such as Spring Roo from SpringSource, Skyway Builder Community Edition version 6.3 and BluAge's M2Spring, there is a renewed focus on the role of code generation in developing enterprise Java applications. InfoQ spoke with project leads from Spring Roo and Skyway products about how the code generation fits in the java application development.

  • Spring Roo 1.0 M1 Released

    The recent release of Spring Roo, a round-tripping code generation tool used to develop Spring applications in Java, offers Tomcat, JMS and Selenium support. SpringSource development team released Roo 1.0 M1 version last week.